Photo by Judith L. Barbosa
Keep an eye to the sky! We have activities this weekend that have you covered rain or shine, plus lots more in the weekends ahead. A lot of effort has gone into the production of “Hamlet” by the Shoreline Arts Alliance. If you can’t get to Guilford, be sure to take the kids to the Branford green this morning at 10 a.m. for Hamlet Abridged!
A note to our readers: If you have not been receiving regular emails with our stories and wish to do so, we have an alternate list available. Just email sebahner@snet.net and you will be included in future mailings.
Friday, Aug. 3
First Friday Game Group

F2G2 (First Friday Game Group) meets the first Friday of each month at the Blackstone Library to play a wide variety of tabletop board and card games. The next meeting is Friday, Aug. 3, at 6 p.m. If participants have never played anything other than Monopoly or Scrabble, games are provided and taught.
With nearly 100 games in their collection, there’s something for everyone. Adults of all experience levels are welcome.
For more information and to RSVP, call 203 – 488-1441.
Friday, Aug. 3, to Sunday, Aug. 5
North Branford Potato and Corn Festival
Love potatoes? Love corn? The 17th annual event runs from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. on
Friday, Aug. 3; 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4; and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at Augur Field, Route 22. Attractions include carnival rides and games, craft and business expo, food vendors, live music, car and motorcycle show, fireworks, beer and wine tasting, and talent showcase.
Free admission. For more information, visit http://nbpotatofest.com, Facebook, or call 203 – 484-6017.
Saturday, Aug. 4

A Place Called Hope Opening Reception
An opening reception for Sophie Zyla’s photographs from A Place Called Hope will take place from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 4, at Branford Art Center, 1229 Main St.
Volunteers from A Place Called Hope will attend the opening with live raptors and information on rehabilitation and education. Donations to the foundation will be welcome. Zyla’s images will be on display in the studio gallery through Aug. 30.
For more information, call Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860 – 334-4642, email 1229bacgallery@gmail.com and visit the gallery website www.branfordartcenterct.com.
Sunday, Aug. 5
Shoreline Jewish Festival

The 13th Annual Shoreline Jewish Festival, a celebration of Jewish life, will be held Sunday, Aug. 5, noon to 5 p.m., on the Guilford Green. Jewish music from around the world, children’s programs, Israeli food, and other fair favorites. Jewish book sale, artists featuring Judaica and Jewish art, crafts for kids. Admission and entertainment is free. Food, crafts, Judaica, books are for sale.
For pictures and more information, visit www.shorelinejewishfestival.com or https://www.facebook.com/events/213550745933883/ or call 203 – 533-7495 or email chabad@snet.net.
Through Sunday, Aug. 5
Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Photo by Judith L. Barbosa
Shoreline Arts Alliance and the Legacy Theatre present Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” at 7:30 p.m. through Sunday, Aug. 5, on the Guilford green. The production is directed by Keely Baisden Knudsen of the Legacy Theatre.
These performances will feature a preshow (6:30 p.m.) and post-show talk back with Shoreline Arts Alliance’s CEO/Executive Director, Eric Dillner, and Legacy Theatre’s Executive/Artistic Director, Keely Baisden Knudsen.
Hamlet Abridged!, a fun, fast, family-friendly rendition of Shakespeare’s Hamlet as told by three actors in only 40 minutes, will take place on the Branford green Friday, Aug. 3, at 10 a.m.
For more information, go to shorelinearts.org/hamletprogram.
Thursday, Aug. 9

The Caswell Sisters Quintet
Next up as part of Branford Jazz on the Green is the Caswell Sisters Quintet. The concert starts at 6:30 p.m.
In addition to the musical partnership Rachel and Sara have shared since childhood, their development and experience as individual artists play an equally important role in their musical careers. Both studied jazz from an early age with Indiana University Jacobs School of Music Distinguished Professor David Baker, both attended IU on full scholarship as Wells Scholars and graduated with High Distinction in classical Performance and Jazz Studies, both went on to earn Masters Degrees in Jazz Performance. The Caswell Sisters will be joined on stage with a rhythm section of pianist Glenn Zalenski, bassist Matt Aronoff, and drummer Michael W. Davis.
Through Sept. 20
Find the Branford Hornet

Forty Branford merchants are joining together to encourage residents to find the Branford High School Hornet and promote their businesses.
Participating merchants will display the BHS Hornet somewhere in their businesses and residents can win gift certificates and prizes by finding them.
Participants will have until Thursday, Sept. 20, to complete a list of 35 out of 40. The winner will be announced at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, on the Branford green at the fourth annual Shoreline Harvest and Jazz Festival. (The winner must be present to win.)
To take part, register at Branfordartcenterct.com (cost $2 per entry to benefit Branford High School), then download the list of merchants. Take a photograph with your phone of you or someone in your group with the BHS Hornet and post the photo to Instagram with the hashtag #branfordmerchants.
For more information or to register a business, email Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 1229bacgallery@gmail.com.
Saturday, Aug. 11
Jane Bouley Book Signing

In case you missed the earlier event, Branford Town Historian Jane Bouley will sign copies of her new book, “The Origin and Naming of Branford’s Streets,” from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 11, at Blackstone Library, 758 Main St. Books will be available for sale for $25.
With extensive research using maps, town meeting records, city directories, and land records, Branford, Connecticut’s Town Historian Jane Peterson Bouley examines the origin and history of Branford’s roads and the relevance of the street names. The scope of Branford’s history as an 18th century farming community, during the industrial revolution bringing an influx of European immigrants in the 19th and 20th centuries, and finally as a suburban community after World War II can be viewed through the development of its streets.
For more information, call 203 – 488-1441, extension 318.
National Farmers’ Week

In honor of National Farmers’ Market Week, Matthew Hoey lll, Guilford’s First Selectman, will attend the Dudley Farm Farmers’ Market on Saturday, Aug. 11 to honor the vendors, say a few words and issue a proclamation. The market runs from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. through October.
This is the 19th year that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has celebrated National Farmers Market Week (Aug. 5 to 11), which highlights the important role farmers’ markets play in the nation’s food system.
The Dudley Farm Farmers’ Market is in its 23rd year of providing organic vegetables and herbs, meats, eggs, honey, maple syrup, baked goods, goats milk soaps, jams, fresh-squeezed lemonade, kettle corn, alpaca yarn, natural body products, plants, flowers, and artisanal crafts direct from farmers and artisans to the public. It is located on the historic Dudley Farm, where people can also visit the farmhouse museum, the Quinnipiac Tribal Museum, the sheep, oxen, and chickens, and the heritage and community gardens.
For more information, call 203 – 457-0770, email market@dudleyfarm.com, visit www.dudleyfarm.com, or on Facebook, Dudley Farm Farmers’ Market.
Woofstock on the Branford Green

The annual Woofstock on the Branford Green will be held Saturday, Aug. 11, from noon to 6 p.m. Woofstock is a day of fun, music, food, vendors, raffles and of course dogs. Dogs are available that day for adoption, too. There is a Woofstock Hippie Dog Costume contest, a Woofwalk in the morning, special guests, a children’s area and much more throughout the day. The event is hosted by the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter and Peiper Veterinary Clinic in Madison.
For more information, go to woofstockonthebranfordgreen.org/.
Saturday, Aug. 11, and Sunday, Aug. 12
Shoreline Wine Festival

The 12th Annual Shoreline Wine Festival, taking place Saturday, Aug. 11 (noon to 7 p.m.) and Sunday, Aug. 12 noon to 6 p.m.), at Bishop’s Orchards Winery in Guilford.
The event will celebrate fine wines from Connecticut Wineries and Vineyards from all over the state, all offering their fine wines that range from grape wines to fruit wines. Pair this with some of the area’s finest foods, with the backdrop setting of a beautiful farm orchard and background sounds of tasteful music to put you in the mood.
There’s the opportunity to taste the wines from all of the wineries, enjoy a tour of the Bishop’s Orchards Winery, listen to numerous local wine experts, live music and entertainment, and a chance to visit with local vendors and artisans. Food offered at the event is an additional charge.
Advanced tickets are $30 for adults (plus 10 percent Connecticut Admissions Tax and online service fee). As of Aug. 4, the price will increase to $35 per person (plus tax & fee). Tickets are $10 for designated drivers.
For details and tickets, go to www.shorelinewinefestival.com.
Wednesday, Aug. 15
Kentucky Barracuda

Branford Historical Society presents author Joe Goodbody for a discussion of his new book “KENTUCKY BARRACUDA: Parker Hardin French – The Notorious Scoundrel and Delightful Rogue of Antebellum & Civil War America.” The talk takes place at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, at the Blackstone Library, 758 Main St.
Goodbody brings this cunning rascal into the spotlight and covers his connection to Branford. Branford Town Historian Jane Bouley assisted with this information and perspective. French was arrested in Branford in November 1861 and charged with being a Confederate agent. Goodbody’s great-grandfather was a victim of Parker Hardin French on the fraudster’s California-bound gold rush expedition. The adventure faltered in mismanagement and collapsed in deception, fraud, and forgery.
To RSVP, call 203 – 488-1441.
Friday, Aug. 17
Environmental Day Camp

Branford Land Trust’s 23rd annual Environmental Day Camp for kids takes place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 17, at Killam’s Point Conference Center.
Children ages 5 to 9 will take part in hands-on activities, including touch tanks, woodland and Long Island Sound exploration, nature crafts, and more.
A full day’s agenda, map, and list of what to bring will be mailed upon receipt of registration and payment of $45; additional children, same family $35. Scholarships available. Registration deadline is Tuesday, Aug. 14.
For more information, call Martha Rice, 203 – 314-7128, or email mhbrice@gmail.com, or go to www.branfordlandtrust.org.
Call for Artists/Artisans Branford Fall Art Festival

Branford Art Center invites all artists/artisans to participate in the 4th Annual Shoreline Harvest Art and Cool Jazz Festival that will take place under the Big Tent on the Branford Green on Saturday, Sept. 22, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Spaces are 10x10. Bring your own racks/tables or rent a table for $5. There will be food vendors. Register at www.branfordartcenterct.com by Aug. 31; the fee is $70.
For further information or questions, call Yvonne Gordon-Moser at 860 – 334-4642 or email 1229bacgallery@gmail.com.
Sunday, Aug. 18
Classic Car Show
The Branford Rotary Club’s fifth annual Classic Car Show will be held on Sunday, Aug. 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Van Wilgen’s Garden Center, Valley Road, The event benefits the club’s charitable events and organizations in honor and support of veterans, including the “Take-A-Vet Fishing” program and the annual “Veterans Day Luncheon.”
More than 150 Classic Cars will be featured with raffle prizes and trophies awarded. The family event will include fabulous cars and music; food and beverages will be available.
For sponsorship or more info, visit http://www.branfordrotary.org or email carshow@branfordrotary.org.