The kids are back to school and summer is winding down, but the festivities continue. Take in the final concert of the Branford Jazz Series – we were lucky to have it extended – and celebrate the Labor Day weekend in Short Beach. Looking ahead, there are events to commemorate the 15 years since the attack on the World Trade Center, including the dedication of a PATH car that now resides at the Shoreline Trolley Museum.
Thursday, Sept. 1
The Saxtet under the Direction of Darren Litzie
The Saxtet (top photo)tled by Darren Litzie, has developed into one of the northeast’s most exciting eight-piece jazz ensembles. Now Branford Jazz Series enthusiasts will have the opportunity to hear them perform on Sept. 1 on the Branford Town Green starting at 6:00 p.m. The concert was originally scheduled for Aug. 11, but was rained out. Note the difference in time this week.
The Saxtet was formed in 2012 by a group of friends who first met while studying music together at Western Connecticut State University. Inspired by the Grammy-winning eight-piece jazz ensemble Supersax, the goal of The Saxtet is to hold true to the large jazz ensemble tradition of swing but also move it forward by performing fresh, bold arrangements that have an eye firmly pointed toward the future.
Friday, Sept. 2 – Monday, Sept. 5
Short Beach Days

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This is the weekend that Short Beachers live for!
The 70th annual Labor Day festival will kick off with a movie Friday evening with pizza and drinks. On Saturday, events include running and field events, swimming, sand sculpture, talent show, and DJ Kids’ Night. Sunday features softball, rubber duck races, family events, judging for the pie baking contest, free trolley rides, awards, and the band “Hit List.” The highlight of the weekend is the Labor Day Parade, open to all ages, rain or shine.
Throughout the weekend, a scavenger hunt will feature pictures from the neighborhood.
For more information, visit the website, www.shortbeachdays.com.
Saturday, Sept. 3
First Saturday Walk

Celebrate Labor Day weekend with a walk along the Tabor section of the Shoreline Greenway Trail, at 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 3, where construction work on the final trail surface will begin in 2017. Visit Ecology Park, the former Branford landfill, which was capped and converted to open space and now features panoramic views of Long Island Sound.
This is a mostly flat walk of about two miles with one hill. Meet in the parking lot of Tabor Lutheran Church, 45 Tabor Drive (from center of town, go south on Montowese Street, cross bridge over the Branford River, and take first left onto Tabor Drive).
For more information, call the walk’s leader, Leo Cristofar at 203 – 214-5824.
Saturday, Sept. 10
The Third Fairy Fest at Dudley Farmers Market

Event will take place from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 2351 Durham Road, North Guilford.
Participants are invited to dress in their finest fairy or elf ensemble. Children can follow the fairy trail, color a Flying Butterfly Fairy, visit the Save-Our-Monarchs Station, decorate a wand, and learn their fairy names. They can also create a crown with Cheryl Kling, author or Nature’s Royal Tea Party.
Raindate is Sept. 17.
For more information, call 860 – 349-3917 or visit dudleyfarm.com.
Branford Folk Music Society Opens Season

The Branford Folk Music Society kicks off its 2016 – 17 concert series on Saturday, Sept. 10 with the Old Howard Troupe, an ensemble of veteran musicians devoted to bringing the experience of the Old English Music Hall to stages throughout the Northeast.
The concert will take place at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the First Congregational Church of Branford, 1009 Main St., on the Branford Green. Admission for the show will be $20 for the general public, $17 for BFMS members and $5 for children age 12 and under. Light refreshments are served. For more information, call 203 – 488-7715 or access the society’s web page at www.branfordfolk.org
Members of the Old Howard Troupe wear Victorian-style stage costumes typical of the era and perform the hits of the music hall stage, with and without instrumental accompaniment. The Boston-based Old Howard Troupe is a group of singers with big voices and includes: Lynn Feingold, Anabel Graetz, April Grant, Jeff Keller, Angela Kessler, Jeremy Kessler, Jean Monroe, Phillip Nimerskern, and Lynn Noel. All have extensive performance experience, both as solo and group performers, throughout New England and beyond.
The 43-year-old Branford Folk Music Society is an all-volunteer, non-profit, educational organization dedicated to preserving and encouraging the growth and appreciation of folk music, song and tradition. The group offers a season of nine concerts. The series continues on Oct. 8 with Calan, a group from Wales that features the talents of five young musicians who give a fresh and vibrant twist to traditional Welsh music.
Sunday, Sept. 11
9/11 Commemoration
A service from 6 to 6:45 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 11, at Ecology Park, 100 Tabor Drive, will commemorate the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the United States.
Sponsored by some of the town’s clergy and churches, the service give will thanks for first responders; firefighters, police, EMTs and all who have service or who are serving our towns and country. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Bill Keane of First Baptist Church. There will be performances by local musicians, vocalists and Boy Scouts, along with a special collection for Feed Branford Kids.
Bring a folding chair and arrive by 5:30 p.m. to park and find a seat. If the weather is inclement, the service will be at Tabor Lutheran Church, 45 Tabor Drive.
For more information, email taborlutheranchurch@gmail.com or visit www.taborchurch.net.
World Trade Center PATH Car Exhibit Dedication

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At noon the Shore Line Trolley Museum will dedicate and open for the first time PATH car 745 to the public. This car survived the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center unharmed in the subway tunnel below.
Since the car was welcomed to the museum last year, the museum has designed and built a special display that will allow visitors to experience the car exactly as it was found on 9 – 11-01.
Peter Rinaldi, a senior engineering manager with the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, was working with other engineers and emergency personnel at Ground Zero when the car 745 was discovered, its doors still open and waiting for the passengers that never came back on 9/11. He stepped aboard the car and into the operating cab and at that moment became determined that, somehow, this car must be saved. Over 14 years later, his vision became a reality as car 745 touched down on trolley museum rails and became part of the museum’s collection.
For more information, call 203 – 467-6927 or visit shorelinetrolley.org.
Coffee and… Cats: A Charitable Coffee Tasting Event

Coffee enthusiasts and pet lovers are invited to a Coffee Tasting and Animal Communication event, sponsored by the Greater New Haven Cat Project, on Sunday, Sept. 11, at Foxon Firehouse Hall, at the corner of State Highway 80 and North High St., East Haven. The event will run from 1 to 4:00pm with a selection of fine coffees from One World Roasters paired with homemade desserts, a bake sale and raffle prizes.
The admission cost of $20 will also include a workshop by certified animal communicator, Donna Velardi regarding crystal healing for pets. She will then be available for personal consultations of pictures of your pets for $10. Also presenting is Richard P. Jackson; internationally know Master of Reiki, Spirit and Psychic Medium. All proceeds will benefit The Greater New Haven Cat Project, Inc. Call GNHCP 203 – 782-2287, or email gnhcp1@gnhcp.org for more information or to get tickets. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Short Beach TAG Sale

Sept 11 is the first day to drop off items for the Short Beach Tag Sale to be held on Sept. 17 at the Short Beach Union Church, 14 Pentecost St. Drop off of items at the church ( no clothing, please) begins on Sept 11 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and continues from Monday, September 12 to Friday, Sept. 16 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.