Crown Street Gets A New Juice Bar

DSCN2020.JPGA 89 Volkswagon Jetta rolled down Crown Street and turned into a rejuvenated parking garage for a free fill-up — minus the gas.

The Jetta (pictured) is fitted with 20 golf-cart batteries under the hood. It plugged in at one of the two charging stations in the new Propark Neon Garage Juice Bar

The Jetta’s owner, Bob Rice, stood proudly beside it Monday at a press conference unveiling the new juice bar” filling station.

Rice said he converted the 20-year-old vehicle into a smart car,” for about $4,500. Rice’s creation is a candidate for a spot the garage at 260 Crown St., along with all other small vehicles and bicycles that need a spot to park. Bikes can park for free.

It’s the second garage of its breed to open after Propark’s debut location in Cambridge, Mass. New Haven was the next selection, because, in the words of company President John Schmid, it’s a progressive city.”

Rice, with the New England Electric Auto Association, turned from looking under the hood of his Frankenstein-like Jetta: It’s not reinventing the automobile, just changing the way the wheels are turned.”

Juicing up is a process that lasts from two to four hours. An electric car, once satiated, can run up to 40 miles depending on variations in speed. According to Schmid, the personality type of the electric car operator spans the species of humanity.” Yet the longevity of the car’s battery caters to New Haven’s commuter-folk.

Bicycle parking is attended and free. These are two adjectives that David Streever, of Elm City Cycling, applauded. Streever spoke of e‑mails he has received in which city cyclists reported parts of their bikes — any piece from lights to saddles — stripped from the body while parked outside.

The Neon Garage’s secure and cost-free alternative seems like more of a personal incentive to Schmid. The Propark President said, We’re not looking to make money off of [smart travelers], instead we want to provide space for them.” Small vehicle owners are charged a $99 parking fee per month, while electric cars are treated to a 30 percent discount.

We need things like this more in New Haven and [Propark’s] going to pioneer it,” Yale New Haven Hospital employee Deborah Zergiebel said. They’re pioneers.” Both the hospital and the garage have negotiated a parking contract.

DSCN2017.JPGLocal artist Mundy Hepburn’s shapely, neon blown glass ornaments (pictured) occupied the stratosphere of the garage, and will remain as a permanent public art gallery.

Roddy Diotalevi, senior director of sales & new ventures with United Illuminating, said the ideal time for charging is in the evening when we’re not nearing energy capacity.” Diotalevi also discussed the potential for a load-response system, where electric cars push back stored energy into the larger grid to aid in periods of peak capacity.

Some people say, Hey! This is my vehicle, I don’t want to help you out,’ but the grid makes everyone interconnected,” said Diotalevi. You can help, or you can expose yourself to a time where there’s not enough supply to the demand.” The charge behind the juice bar’s christening, he said, is a future of compromise.


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