State Rep. Patricia Dillon (at left in photo) received the Governor’s Prevention Partnership’s Partner in Prevention Legislative Champion Award for her work creating the Connecticut Mentoring Fund.
Dillon was honored with the award at a Hartford luncheon celebrating the partnership’s 25th anniversary. The Connecticut Mentoring Fund was created to advance youth mentoring and help mentoring programs stick to quality standards and outcomes.
“Mentors can build trust with young people,“Dillon said in a press release. “Recruitment and training of mentors is not easy, but we cannot afford to lose the talents of some young people.”
The Governor’s Prevention Partnership is a statewide not-for-profit public-private alliance that focuses on building a strong, healthy future workforce through leadership in mentoring and prevention of youth violence and bullying, underage drinking, and substance abuse. The Partnership is the only statewide organization focused exclusively on prevention issues affecting youth.