Chicago — These were the signs that told me I was indeed at the Democratic National Convention.
The convention floor played up patriotism even harder than the RNC — but instead of “Army Wife” T‑shirts these political groupies were dressed in reversible “Swiftie-Harris” robes. (The swag on her wrist? Kamala Harris friendship bracelets.)
And instead of getting shoved around by menacing and bulky dudes on the floor, reporters were chaotically corralled away from the stage by security guards that looked like this.
Outside the convention arena, one woman in a sea of ticketed attendees dying to get on the floor before prime time muttered: “I do not belong to an organized party. I thought the mayor said there’d be crowd control!” Also overheard: “This is a shit show.”
Inside, but off-stage, a shoulder shrug from Newsom.
These tender moments were captured during the Indy’s live blogging of the DNC — check it out here and tune in nightly through Thursday.
Previous NHI DNC coverage:
• Klobuchar Dishes Deep With CT Dems
• DNC Live Blog, Night 1: Biden’s Last Hurrah
• Tong’s DNC Diary Day 1:“There’s A Pit In My Stomach”
• Delegate Dunleavy: There’s Work To Do In Chicago