Markeshia Ricks Photo
Dominguez at the most recent community management team meeting.
Sgt. Renee Dominguez, Westville/West Hills’ top cop, is moving across town.
Dominguez will become the new district manager of the Fair Haven policing district. She replaces Anthony Maio, who retired last week.
In the short, term, Whalley/Edgewood/Beaver Hills top cop John Wolcheski will do double duty and oversee the Westville/West Hill district as well while the department seeks a permanent replacement for Dominguez.
Dominguez announced the change in a note emailed to people in her current district.
The text of her note follows:
I am writing you tonight with an announcement: 2017 is going to be a wonderful year for all of us. I hope it brings you all that you wish for, health, happiness, and new opportunities to grow and invent yourselves. This next year will bring me just that and even more. I’ve been asked to lead the Fair Haven district and am now their new District Manager. This was an exciting opportunity that I thought a lot about and just couldn’t pass up. You know me well enough to know that I look at every situation as an opportunity for growth. A new district means new challenges, new community, new officers, and while change is scary (I will admit I hate change!) I never want to stop growing, stop bettering myself for myself, my family, my police department, my officers, and my community. This is one of those opportunities to do just that.
I love Westville, I love all of you, please know that! You took me in as a new Sergeant and new District Manager and welcomed me with open arms. You were my first “home” as a supervisor where I was able to learn what kind of leader I wanted to be. I have been able to teach new officers the importance of community policing and building relationships with neighbors, like all of you. I have been able to implement so many programs due to your support and donations. This experience far exceeded my expectations and provided me the tools and skills to bring to my new district.
I hope to have face to face goodbyes with as many of you as I can over then next few weeks, but if we are unable to connect please know that I have a heavy heart as I write this, and will truly miss you all. I am only an email or phone call away and you will always have my support and I will facilitate whatever it is you need. I look at every opportunity presented as an opportunity to grow.
I leave you in the capable hands of Sgt. John Wolcheski (he is cc’ed). He is currently the district manager for Whalley Ave/ Beaver Hills, and will be adding Westville and West Hills to his command. I WILL be at our January 11th CMT meeting but I can’t promise I won’t cry because apparently you get an entire new set of hormones once you become a mother and are very emotional! I hope to see YOU ALL THERE!!!
Thank you for all your support for the past 2.5 years. Thank you for your continued support wherever my journey at the New Haven Police Department leads me.
If I could hug you all I would (and may).
With much appreciation and gratitude,
Sgt. Renee Dominguez

Thomas Breen Photo