Ambassador-In-Chief Says Good-Bye

Rena Leddy (pictured), executive director of the Town Green Special Services District, will leave her post at the end of the year. Leddy has led the organization, best known for the yellow-jacketed ambassadors who roam downtown, for three years. She will become a vice-president at Progressive Urban Management Associates, a Denver-based consulting firm.

I wasn’t looking to leave,” Leddy told the Independent. The opportunity, she said, was too good to pass up. It was an honor to be asked.”

The Town Green Special Services District is a special tax district serving the original nine squares of downtown New Haven. It was created in 1998 to offer support services to help grow business downtown. In addition to the ambassadors, the TGSSD operates, a website that promotes downtown businesses and events.

During her tenure, the special services district brought in a professional management agency called Service Group Inc. to run the Ambassador program, freeing the staff to work on more public space” initiatives instead of personnel issues. The district has also created an Economic Prosperity” blueprint for downtown, which includes a plan to create a downtown business center that will provide support for downtown companies and work with prospective business owners.

Tony Schaffer, chair of the TGSSD, said that Leddy has left the Town Green District on a great course.” Her accomplishments include putting the budget on solid ground,” stabilizing the Clean & Safe Program [the ambassadors] and having a great rapport with the city administration.” 

Longtime TGSSD staffer Winn Davis will handle her duties while the Board searches for a successor, said Schaffer. We have been spolied with Rena,” said Schaffer, and we want to find someone of equal caliber.”

I am doing it with mixed emotions,” said Leddy, I have a hard time saying goodbye.” One reason: The new chief of police [Dean Esserman] will make our job easier because he understands the importance downtown, and will make sure that quality of life issues will be addressed.”

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