Allan Appel Photo
A van heads onto Humphrey through a new curb cut.
The curb cut is in on Humphrey, and the signs are up.
But the state Department of Social Services is not quite open yet for business in its new offices in town. The agency has been in the process of relocating its welfare and other public offices from the Newhallville to Fair Haven neighborhoods.
The old offices on Bassett Street will continue to operate as DSS moves in phases into the new digs.
The new offices are in the 370 James St. complex, already home to several social service agencies and other non-profits. (An entrance is at 350 Humphrey St.)
Click here for a previous story on community concern about the move in general; and also, yes, about parking and traffic safety implications of the new curb cut on Humphrey and the closing of the entrance to the 370 James lot, across from Achievement First charter network headquarters.
The office move is being planned in phases beginning in mid-May and public services will start at the new location in June, according to DSS Communications Officer Kathleen Kabara.
A Thursday afternoon anecdotal survey of cars arriving and leaving by the new curb cut indicated no problems.
“Bassett Street will remain open as the New Haven office for DSS clients until the Humphrey Street facility is completely ready. At that time, all New Haven office DSS operations will be located at Humphrey Street,” Kabara wrote in an email.