Mayor John DeStefano is sending home dispatches from his trip to Seattle to attend a school reform conference sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Following is his third of three dispatches, sent as he headed back to New Haven Friday.
Three big surprises from Seattle. First, while the city is undisputedly the coffee capital of the world, I found it impossible to find a place serving coffee before 7 a.m. That’s right, that was me wandering around Seattle streets early the last several mornings.
Second surprise. For a lot of cities, school reform means charters, lots of them. In New Orleans, 80 percent of the schools are not district operated. In Philadelphia, Mayor Nutter said 25 percent of the schools are charters. And by the way, some are union, others not. There absolutely is a big place in New Haven and Connecticut for a robust portfolio of charter schools, and no organization is better at it than New Haven based Achievement First., a truly extraordinary organization that educates some 2,000 New Haven students.
The third surprise was a great talk by Neerav Kingsland, chief strategy officer of an organization called New Schools for New Orleans. They are a support organization for the post-Katrina New Orleans School Recovery District. Frankly, New Haven’s portfolio approach to schools — ranking them, reconstituting bad schools and growing good schools— is largely based on the great work done in New Orleans since Katrina. I say “surprise” because Neerav’s talk reminded me again how fierce we need to be as a city about dramatically improving student academic achievement.
Increasingly there is a mismatch between the kinds of jobs we have in the city and the skills of our residents. Unless we close that workplace skill gap our families will lose income, our kids will have more bad choices than good, and we will not grow.
So if there are three surprises, I return with two resolutions. New Haven must become the urban school district in America where every child gets a public education that ensures lifelong success. And second, as a community we need to actively and urgently work to match our residents’ skills to today’s employers, not yesterday’s.
Previous installment:
• Mayor Heads To Seattle
• “Maybe We Need A Marshall Plan For Our Kids”