One more hurdle down to bring Eblens to Whalley Avenue.
The athletic clothing store’s zoning requests sailed through the City Plan Commission this past Wednesday night in minutes, receiving unanimous approval from the four board members. Eblens owner Richard Seaman and his lawyer Rolan Young Smith are seeking to reduce the number of parking spaces and change the building’s use variance to retail.
Commission member and Westville Alder Adam Marchand advised the group to have the city look into refurbishing the crosswalk at the corner, so pedestrians crossing are safe.
The requests go back to the Board of Zoning Appeals in November.
Eblens, sells athletic wear aimed at consumers between ages 12 and 35, seeks to move into the vacant 7,800-square-foot former Rite Aid building at 60 Whalley. To do so it needs two zoning exceptions — one to change the property use and the other to change the number of parking spaces required by code. Click here and here for previous stories with more details.