Elicker Outraises Opponents 7 to 1

Melissa Bailey Photo

Keitazulu formally reports his contributions Wednesday.

Doctors, lawyers, Yale employees and East Rockers helped catapult Justin Elicker into an early fundraising lead in the mayor’s race, according to campaign finance filings released Wednesday.

Elicker, an alderman who represents East Rock, far outpaced the pack of four declared candidates seeking the Democratic nomination in a Sept. 10 mayoral primary.

He raised $55,950 as of March 31, the end of the latest filing period, according to his campaign finance report filed at the city clerk’s office.

Elicker out-raised the next-highest money-getter by a margin of 7 to 1. Newhallville state Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield raised $7,709. Newhallville plumber Sundiata Keitazulu raised $225. Former city economic development director Henry Fernandez, the most recent entrant to the race, raised $5. (His campaign hadn’t geared up yet.) Hillhouse High School Principal Kermit Carolina has formed an exploratory committee” to consider a mayoral run; he did not report raising any money. Probate Judge Jack Keyes is considering entering the race.

Click here and here to read Elicker and Holder-Winfield’s filings, which were Wednesday.

All four declared candidates except Fernandez have signed up to join the Democracy Fund, which limits individual contributions to $370 (rather than $1,000) and bars political action committee support in return for matching public dollars. Elicker received the first check of $9,840 last week.

Now that Holder-Winfield has raised over $5,500, the election is officially contested.” That positions Elicker to qualify for more public money, bringing his expected total to $94,000, his campaign announced this week

Holder-Winfield’s campaign manager, Christopher Campbell, said his campaign is three-quarters of the way to raising the requisite 200 small donations from New Haven voters to qualify for public matching money. He said the campaign plans to meet that threshold, and apply for the money, next week.

We always knew we were going to get a slower start,” Campbell said of Holder-Winfield’s fundraising. He said his candidate has been busy in Hartford grappling with gun control and budget bills. He’s had to be out of New Haven more than the other candidates.”

Elicker’s filing shows many donations from East Rock, where he has served as alderman since 2010.

There’s a lot from East Rock — partially because I’ve been spending a lot of time asking people” that know him, Elicker acknowledged Wednesday. The people that know my work are likely to support me. It’s a natural starting place.” He said that’s not an indication that he can’t earn support in other neighborhoods.

Fernandez, who’s expected to mount a formidable fundraising campaign, raised just $5 in between March 26 and March 31. The $5 came from his treasurer, Bruce Ditman. Fernandez said his campaign was formed late on the 26th and did not focus on fundraising during the short time before the filing period ended.

We spent the first few days after we filed talking to voters and putting our campaign team together,” Fernandez said. He said fundraising began this month and is going very well.” We’re very comfortable in the level of support” from voters both in monetary and non-monetary forms, he said.

Keitazulu reported raising $225 from the following people: Esther McKoy, retired, of Lilac Street in Newhallville, $100; Gerarldine Denby, retired, of Hamden, $50; Elayne McNeil, mortgage officer, of Hamden, $50; and $25 from Keitazulu himself.

Spotted Wednesday morning at the city clerk’s office, Keitazulu claimed he has raised a quarter of the donations he needs to qualify for matching money from the Democracy Fund.

Paul Bass Photo

Statewide support

Holder-Winfield (pictured) reported raising $7,709 and spending $786. He drew from a mix of state university professors, staffers and elected officials at the Capitol, grassroots activists around town, and many donors in Newhallville and East Rock.

Holder-Winfield’s small donors included:
• 11 Capitol staffers
• Progressive Democratic activists, such as Liz Dupont-Deihl, former campaign staffer for U.S. Senate candidate Ned Lamont ($20) and Tessa Marquis ($100)
• East Rock neighborhood activists such as Jane Edelstein and Bill Kaplan
• Grassroots activists such as Camelle Scott and Nilda Aponte of Teach Our Children; former Holder-Winfield 2008 campaign manager Lisa Hopkins of Dixwell; Todd Foster, pastor of Church on the Rock

Holder-Winfield Donations over $200:

Natalie Holder-Winfield, candidate’s wife, $370
Eric Berger, physician, of Autumn Street, $370
Ethel Berger, book illustrator, of Autumn Street, $370
Yi-Chun Tricia Lin, SCSU professor, $370
Keith McDonald, Newhallville electrician, $250
Vikki Pryor, executive of Change Create Transform LLC, of New Rochelle, $370
Dacia Toll, CEO of Achievement First charter school network, $370
Harold Ellis, self-employed, of Newhallville, $370

Thomas MacMillan Photo

Activists Chip In

Elicker (pictured) raised $55,950 from 600 donors and spent $15,112.84.

Elicker’s small donors included:
 — East Rock firefighter and former Democratic co-chair Ray Saracco and former East Rock Alderman Bob Frew
 — Betty Thompson and Rebecca Turcio of Cedar Hill, a neglected pocket of East Rock
 — Cycling/safe streets advocates Tom Harned, Mark Abraham, David Streever, Matt Feiner
 — Sue Campion, political activist in Morris Cove
 — State Rep. Roland Lemar of East Rock

Elicker Donations over $200:

Albert Annunziata, Attorney, Self, $370
Albert Ryan, Retired, Retired, $370
Alison Kruger, Community Builder, Self, $200
Allyx Schiavone, Executive Director of Education Facility, Friends Center for Children, $250
Amity Doolittle, Professor, Yale, $370
Amy Wrzesniewski Law, Professor, Yale, $360
Ann Prum, TV Producer, Self, $370
Anne Dailey, Professor, Uconn, $300
Anthony Law, Parent, Self, $370
Ashley Elicker, Senior Mgr Finance, Panera Bread, $370
Augustine Filome Carpenter, Spring Glen remodeling, $370
Barry Stratton, Real Estate Agent, Geenty Group Realtors, $370
Bernadette Huang, Coordinator, Yale University, $370
Bernard Cox, Retired, $200
Beth Klingher, teacher, NH Pub Schools, $275
Catherine Penner, retired, retired, $200
Celia Ponvert, $250
Chris Nicotra, Investor, Olympia Properties, $370
Chris Paparella, Lawyer, Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP, $250
Christine Bishop, Project Mgr, United Health Care, $370
Colleen Stratton, President, CGS Business Financial Services, $370
Cynthia Hobbs, Retired, $225
David Budries, Sound Designer, Yale University, $300
David Ladd, Investment Advisor, Ladd Capital Mgmt, $370
David Schimchick, Teacher, Milford Board of Education, $370
David Touloumtzis, Software Engineer, Expedia Switerland SARL, $250
Dirk Hobman, Photographer, Self-employed, $370
Donald Harvey, Retired, $370
Donald Margulies, Playwright, Yale University, $370
Duncan Goodall, Entrepreneur, Self, $350
Ed Kaplan, Clinical Researcher, Bristol-Myers Squibb, $200
Edward McAleer, Retired, $200
Elena Citkowitz, Physician, YNHH, $250
Elida Nosenzu, Underwriter, Tansatlantic Reinsurance Company, $370
Elizabeth Suatoni, Scientist, NRDC, $250
Ellen Brainard, $200
Eric Smith, Attorney, Stratton Faxon Trial Lawyers LLC, $370
Faye Rastegar, retired, $370
Frederick Tufts, Managing Director, IBM, $200
Gary Gorton, Professor, Yale University, $370
Gerald Kahn, Attorney, Gerald Kahn LLC, $370
Gilian Roush, Retired, $370
Gisela Hobman, Retired, Retired, $250
Gordon Elicker, Retired, $370
Grace Bright, Library Asst, Yale University, $370
Harold Ellis, Self, Self, $370
Harvey Ruben, Physician, Self, $200
Hele Brett-Smith, Research Physician, Bristol Myers Squibb, $370
Henry Chauncey, Retired, Retired, $370
Hikaru Kozuma, Educational Administrator, U Penn, $300
Howard Bierman, Attorney, BWW Law Group, $370
Hunter Smith, Law, David Rosen & Associates, $370
Jan Cunningham, Artist, SELF, $370
Jay Bright, Architect, Self, $300
Jeffrey Summerville, Social Worker, Self, $370
Joan Elicker Richards, Retired, retired, $370
John Geanakoplos, Professor, Yale University, $370
Jonathan Knisely, Physician, North Shore LIJ Health System, $370
Joseph Hoffman, Retired, $250
Judith Snow, Exec. Mgmt, $370
Judy Pureka, $300
June Sachs, Self Employed, Retail Yarn Shop, $370
Justin Murfin, professor, Yale, $295
Justin Neuman, Asst Prof, Yale, $250
Justin Robinson, Product Mgr, Nokia, $200
Karolina Dowd, Trial Attorney, Moukaws and Walsh, $200
Katha Cox, Retired, $200
Katherine O’Leary, Attorney, Geenty Group Realtors, $300
Keith Garabedian, VP, Gallos Appliances, $370
Kerala Synder, Retired, $250
Kristen Richards, Dermatologist, Torrey Pines Dermatology, $370
Lisa Fernandez, Educational Administrator, Yale University, $370
Lisa Howie, Director of Investments, Yale University, $370
Lynn Street, Physician, Self, $370
Marie Gallo-Garabedin, President, Gallos Appliances, $370
Marjorie Shansky, Attorney, Self, $370
Martha, Summerville, Consultant, Self, $370
Michael Coe, Retired, Retired, $370
Michael Doolittle, Photographer, Self, $370
Michael O’Leary, $300
Mike Stratton, Lawyer, Stratton Faxon, $370
Nathalie Bonafe, Research Scientist, Lz Diagnostics, $200
Oona Hathaway, Professor, Yale Law School, $250
Paul Ozyck, Assoc Dir, URI, $200
Paul Sabin, Academic, Yale University, $370
Phil Haile, Professor, Yale University, $250
Richard Kramer, Retired, $370
Richard Snyder, Retired, $250
Robert Narracci, Senior Associate, Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects, $370
Rocco Fiore, Water Treatment Plant Operator, Regional Water Authority, $350
Sabra Stratton, Student, $370
Sean Duffy, Professor, Quinnipiac, $270
Shel Swanson, Midwife, Self, $370
Susan Holahan, Teacher, NH BOE, $250
Suzanne Whitty, CPA, Yale, $300
Tadhg Dooley, Lawyer, Wiggin and Dana $225
Terry Gilbertson, Building Officer, Town of Woodbridge, $370
Thomas Strong, Graphic Designer, Self, $200
Tim Holahan, Software Developer, Broadstripes, $200
Timothy Pothin , Lawyer, Stratton Faxon Trial Lawyers LLC, $200
Tyler Warren, Diplomat, US Dept of State, $369
Violet Talbot, Retired, $200
Walker Holmes, Consultant, Skeo Solutions, $250
William Goetzmann, Professor, Yale University, $370


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