New Haven Alder Sabin’s tweet.

Elicker: We need to make sure we get it right.
On a day when President Biden called on employers nationwide to institute vaccine mandates, and four days after Gov. Ned Lamont issued one for all state employees, New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker said New Haven is “getting close” to following suit.
Biden issued his call Monday after the two-dose Pfizer vaccine received Federal Food and Drug Administration approval. He called mandates crucial for protecting public health amid a Delta-fueled Covid-19 upsurge along with conspiracy-theory-fueled vaccination resistance. Republican governors and lawmakers have resisted calls for mandates.
Elicker first stated on July 30 that his administration was “exploring” instituting an employee vaccine mandate with an option to opt out and get regularly tested instead. He said at the time that his administration was wrestling with “privacy” concerns.
On Monday downtown Alder Eli Sabin posted a link on Twitter to the announcement of a newly announced vaccination mandate for 148,000 New York City education employees.
“Time to get this done for New Haven city employees, @MayorElicker!” wrote Sabin, an Elicker supporter.
“It’s easy on the outside to say, ‘Why can’t we just get it done?’” Elicker told the Independent later Monday, before a police promotional ceremony at Wilbur Cross High School.
But it’s important, he said, that New Haven not roll out a mandate “before we’re absolutely sure we get it right.”
He was asked Monday afternoon what remaining specific obstacles face New Haven that, say, the governor was able to address in the mandate announced this past Thursday.
He responded that his administration is still making sure it can keep individuals’ vaccination status confidential; that it has the capacity to perform weekly testing for city workers who opt out, including ensuring that such testing doesn’t conflict with work time; and that the city can afford the financial costs.
Elicker noted that the governor’s mandate also covers roughly two-thirds of New Haven government’s 6,000 employees — because it covers all school teachers and staffers.
“We’re getting close,” the mayor said.