Petisia M. Adger Photo
Newly installed Lodge 25 Suite of Officers (seated l to r): Antoinette Errico, treasurer; Denise Reynolds, exalted ruler; Joan Turner, loyal knight; and Karyn Snedeker, secretary. Lodge 25 Trustees. (standing l to r) Ret. Col. Kenneth Gertz; Joe Alfano; Bonnie Mullin, PER; Ron Newman; and Charles Cheslock, Sr., PER, (chairman).
On March 24, 2016, Lodge 25 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks (since 1884) conducted its 132nd installation of new officers in New Haven.
Denise Reynolds, exalted ruler, became the third woman to hold this position in the history of Elks Lodge 25. The term of the elected offices are from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017. The lodge is located at 524 State St. The traditional installation ceremony was performed by the Coastal District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John Franco and his suite of officers.
Prior to Denise’s rise to exalted ruler, she served in various leadership roles and has been an active member of New Haven’s Elks Lodge 25 for nine years. Most notably, her recent election and recognition as the 2016 Elk of the Year and 2012 Italian Officer of the Year demonstrates the confidence her peers has in her ability to lead.
Evidence of such leadership is also represented by her progression through the ranks of elected positions at the lodge where she previously served as Lecturing Knight, Loyal Knight and Inner Guard. Her dedication to the lodge is continuously exhibited as she not only volunteers for lodge activities but commits herself as chairperson on such committees as Drug Awareness, Scholarship, Turkey Shoot, Memorial & Veterans Day Committee, Homeless Veterans Dinner and Clothing Collections Drives. For the past several years, Denise has even been the person inside the National Elks Elroy Drug Awareness Program’s mascot costume representing the Elks sponsorship at the Connecticut Special Olympic Games.
Denise’s accomplishments are not strictly limited to her activities with the Elks. As a recipient of the U.S. Presidential Volunteer Award, the National Diversity Leadership Award, the Connecticut Department & Services for the Blind Employment Award, and the Veterans Patriot Award, she has been recognized by these different communities for her outstanding contributions to their organizations. Denise also holds a registered patent with New Product & Business Development. Her other volunteer activities include the Errera Veteran Association Center, Connecticut Stand Down and the Daytime Gardeners of North Haven, CT.
In her March 24, 2016, speech delivered at the Elks Installation of Officers Ceremony, Denise gave a glimpse of what type of leadership the Elks’s membership can expect from her in the coming year. “We [newly appointed officers] will strive at all times to act in the best interest of our lodge. Together, we stand committed to serving our great members, our community, and Elkdom. We, the officers of Lodge 25, are truly humbled for this opportunity to serve and represent you.” Denise and her husband, Kevin J. Reynolds, past exalted ruler, reside in North Haven and have two children.
The first woman to hold the office of exalted ruler at New Haven Elks Lodge 25 was Nancy Gorban-Brennan (2008 – 2009); the second to hold the office was Bonnie Mullin (2011 – 2013).