Well, all New Haven kids are invited, along with adult chaperones, to a citywide Halloween Party Friday evening, complete with a haunted house, games, and a fire truck. It’s taking place at LEAP, which sent in the following advance notice:
Leadership, Education and Athletics in Partnership (LEAP) is having its annual Halloween Party this Friday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. This year LEAP is opening the Halloween Party up for all New Haven children from 6 to 13 years of age accompanied by parents and guardians. We also are excited to announce that for the first time we are having our Halloween Party with our neighbors on Lyon Street.
Lyon Street neighbors with an orange sign on their front porch will be giving out candy to trick-or-treaters from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. LEAP counselors and staff will be walking around on Lyon and Jefferson Streets with children throughout the evening. So this will be very safe fun for kids and adults alike.
LEAP’s community center at 31 Jefferson Street will have a haunted house, music, face painting, pin the nose on the pumpkin, story-telling, spooky musical chairs, pumpkin bean bag toss, spider ring toss, arts and crafts and even a limbo contest which any skeleton should be able to win.
Still want more? Our neighbors at the New Haven Fire Department are bringing a fire truck for children to explore and firefighters to explain how it all works.
So wear your costume and join LEAP and our Lyon Street neighbors for one frighteningly fun Halloween Party!
Plenty of on street parking is available on Jefferson Street and Grand Avenue.