From top left: Eddy Rosa, Jose Rosa, Wildaliz Bermudez.
A pair of brothers will each have to pay an additional $150 for housing each month after the Fair Rent Commission approved their landlords’ proposed rent increases — raising questions about what the appropriate market price is for a three-bedroom rental in the Hill.
Eddy and Jose Rosa live in adjacent three-bedroom townhouses on Greenwich Avenue that are owned by the same pair of landlords. On Tuesday, the Rosa brothers appeared before the Fair Rent Commission during that body’s latest regular monthly online meeting in order to contest rent hikes.
The fair-rent pushback for the three-bedroom apartments that will now cost $1,250 and $1,350 to rent respectively comes as Hill neighborhood leaders have fought to slow down a new 194-apartment complex planned for Davenport and Congress Avenues where one-bedroom market-rent units are expected to cost between $2,000 and $2,300 each.
The Rosas moved into their respective three-bedrooms in the Hill South neighborhood approximately three years ago. The first year they moved in, Jose paid $900 in monthly rent for his apartment, while Eddy paid $1,100 per month for his.
“I let him move in for $900 because I wasn’t satisfied with the contractor, with the work he did,” said Barbara Valentine, one of the landlords.
Over time, Valentine said, she aimed to increase the rent to match the “fair market value” of the house for about $1,500 per month.
Last year, Valentine and her ex-husband and co-landlord, Michael Blake, increased the rent for Jose’s apartment to $1,100 and for Eddy’s apartment to $1,200.
This year, they hoped to impose an additional $400 monthly increase on each. During the “informal hearing” portion of the Fair Rent negotiation process, Valentine and Blake agreed to a $150 monthly increase per unit.
“The mortgage went up, the insurance went up,” Valentine told the commissioners Tuesday night. And since Blake moved into a separate apartment and incurred a new set of expenses, “he was trying to go up on rent so he wouldn’t have to pay his own money” in order to maintain the apartment, Valentine added.
New Haven County’s federally-determined fair market rent for the 06519 zip code is $1,780 for a three-bedroom.
Eddy and Jose Rosa each spoke before the commission in Spanish, while Fair Rent Director Wildaliz Bermudez interpreted into English.
“They fear the rent increase proposal amount will be perhaps $500,” Bermudez translated after Jose spoke. “They want to negotiate an increase they can actually maintain.”
“He just wants to hear from the Fair Rent Commissioners what constitutes a fair price,” Bermudez translated from Eddy.
The commissioners unanimously sided with the landlords and approved a $150 increase for each apartment, putting the new rent for Jose at $1,250 and the new rent for Eddy at $1,350.
Commissioner Douglas Losty observed, “I have to give some credence to the landlord’s viewpoint that for a three-bedroom townhouse, the proposed increase is not expensive… Typically right now in New Haven, for average apartments, you can expect to pay at least $500 per bedroom.”
“I didn’t see that the living conditions were bad,” noted commissioner Javier Cabrera.
“The tenant expressed fear about what would happen next year… but I don’t think we can consider what would happen a year from now,” Losty added.