Remember those pending 10 percent train fare hikes and 14 percent bus fare hikes that had New Haven riled?
Ain’t going to happen after all. At least for now.
Gov. Dannel P. Malloy announced Thursday that the newly signed budget revisions for the upcoming year included enough new revenue to avoid the planned increases because of greater than expected contributions to the state’s Special Transportation Fund.
“This is welcome news to the thousands of Connecticut commuters who utilize our buses and trains every day. That said, if we want to make the necessary investments to keep our transportation infrastructure in a state of good repair in future years, the state will need to find new, long-term funding sources to replace dwindling gas tax revenues. This should not be seen as optional – it’s critical to Connecticut’s future,” Malloy stated in a release.
Click here and here to read recent stories about how New Haveners said the increases would have affected our lives.