A reporter dumped on a politician Sunday.
So what else was new?
This: The politician then got the chance to dump back on the reporter.
The politician was Morris Cove Alder Sal DeCola. I was the reporter.
We were the latest tags in the chain-letter-like social-media craze called the Ice Bucket Challenge, in which people agree to have a bucket of ice water dumped on them unless they donate to research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, aka ALS, aka Lou Gehrig’s disease. (At this point, the dumpees do end up donating money, as well.) Dumpees then challenge someone else to take the plunge next.
The dual-dumping took place Sunday on the deck of DeCola’s Towsend Avenue home, with a majestic view of the harbor.
DeCola clearly enjoyed it. (And the cold water was refreshing.)
New Haven state Sen. Martin Looney took the challenge last week, and challenged me and DeCola to take it next. (Watch Looney’s deadpan delivery in the challenge here.)