We found a dollar in out compost heap! Now we need only another $9,999 to make our fundraising goal. Want to help?
These are the final three days of a month-long “Knight New Match” during which the Knight Foundation is matching, dollar for dollar, all donations to the New Haven Independent up to $1,000.
We are one of 57 not-for-profit newsrooms nationwide that Knight has included in the challenge to help promote public-interest reporting and “real news” (as opposed to fake news) in the new political era.
Your tax-deductible donations help keep the lights on and reporters paid at the Independent. We’re in our 12th year of covering the city through our website thanks to your support, and we’re going strong. We’re appealing this one last time for donations before the Knight-match window closes on Thursday. Please help us if you can!
As a special incentive: On Tuesday, the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven is covering the transaction costs for online donations.
You can make a one-time online donation at the following link:
Thank you! And thank you for reading, commenting, contributing stories, and casting True Votes!