Allan Appel Photo
Ortiz, at right, with LCI staffer Maggie Fernandez.
There was a new face in the familiar crowd at this month’s Whalley/Edgewood/Beaver Hill (WEB) community management team meeting: A deputy fire chief.
The beginning of regular attendance by fire department personnel at management team meetings citywide was announced announced Tuesday night at the regular WEB meeting at the substation community room at 332 Whalley Ave.
The new face belonged to Deputy Fire Chief Robert Ortiz.
“It’s the chief’s initiative to get us out into the community more,” said Ortiz, who is one of four deputy chiefs in the department.
It’s fairly standard at all of the city’s 12 monthly management team meetings\to have the police district manager make a crime and crime-prevention report. Likewise there’s usually a report from the assigned staffer from the city’s anti-blight agency Livable City Initiative. Alders show up too.
To that mix now, now add the fire department.
Ortiz reviewed three fire events in the district: a Whalley Avenue auto shop fire on Jan. 8; front porch fire at 271 Sherman; and a small fire at 371 Sherman.
Ortiz said all were minor and are still under investigation.
One of the 30 or so attendees at the meeting asked Ortiz whether one of the porch fires might have been caused by Christmas lights.
“I don’t think so,” he said.
“Just a thought,” replied the questioner.
It was a brief appearance. Then Ortiz had to leave on other fire business.
“The chief wants us to be more visible,” he said of the new initiative.
Ortiz also announced a recent promotion in the department: Jen Forslund, to deputy fire marshal.