Sam Gurwitt Photo
First Student buses are undergoing deep cleaning for two days after employees at the bus company tested positive for Covid-19.
These are the latest school-related coronavirus cases as the spread of Covid-19 is ticking up again in the New Haven area.
A few students with severe cognitive disabilities have been allowed back into 11 New Haven Public Schools buildings since mid-September. Those scheduled to come in on Thursday and Friday can still come to school, but their families need to drop them off rather than relying on the bus.
As far as Superintendent Iline Tracey had heard on Thursday morning, no students or staff are quarantining. The New Haven Health Department protocol is to contact trace and let those exposed to the virus know that they need to isolate themselves.

Over the course of the quarter, 25 NHPS staff members and nine students have tested positive for Covid-19. These have been largely isolated cases spread out across 24 different schools, five of which are still impacted, as of Monday.