Not just the food, but the cafeteria itself got high health grades at John S. Martinez School — 100 out of 100 from city inspectors.
The kitchen at the James Street school in Fair Haven was one of 26 food establishments that health inspectors visited between Aug. 21 and Aug 27. All but two establishments passed, including four other school-based kitchens or food dispensaries. The newest of the new schools, Gateway Community College facilities, came in a close second to Martinez, at 97.
The storeroom with a shelf of six-pound cans of diced peaches in a light syrup and boxes of bananas on the verge of ripeness.
Schools’ facilities receive the identical inspections as restaurants receive: onsite, surprise visits, and with an inspector’s eye focused on the same possible violations as any other food establishment.
City sanitarians inspect all of New Haven’s restaurants, groceries, bars, and any establishment that serve food between one and four times a year. Establishments that score less than 80 usually have two weeks to make the recommended corrections. The health department can also close a restaurant regardless of its score if the sanitarians suspect an immediate danger to public health. (Scroll down in this story for specific results from the latest inspections.)
The public schools, like Martinez, often score high. That’s because they’re relatively new and most of the schools no longer do cooking onsite but rather warm up food prepared for them in the school system’s central kitchen on Barnes Avenue.
“The schools are all renovated and filled with tons of restaurant equipment. [But] they don’t do cooking,” said Roslyn Hamilton, the city sanitarian who gave Martinez the perfect score, writing “no violations” at the bottom of the form.
One of the many-shelved warmer-transporter mobile cabinets in the kitchen.
Actually nine schools still do cooking onsite, according to School Wellness Dietitian Sarah Maver. They all have salad bars, too. This year there is also a change in “meal pattern guidelines” rewritten for the first time in 20 years by the United States Department of Agriculture, said Maver.
Students must take a minimum of three components of the five offered (grain, meat or meat alternative), fruit, vegetable, milk, but one of those must be a fruit or vegetable.
Hamilton noted one pattern that has emerged among the schools’ refrigerators, ovens, and freezer-filled facilities: “They take a little longer to get corrections made” than is the case with stand-alone restaurants.
For example, if there’s no hot water in a hand sink the cafeteria worker to whom she hands her report may have to pass that along a chain of command to physical plant officials, said Hamilton.
In addition to the sanitary conditions, the Martinez salad bar had a healthful menu ready to offer students for the start of school last week: whole-grain low sodium pizza, nectarine or banana, milk (skim or 1 percent) and salad
Following are the results of the latest inspections.
The Winners
Of the 26 food establishments inspected since Aug. 21, 24 passed. The two that did not were ordered to make required changes within two weeks. The following received passing marks:
8/21/2012: Hong Kong Grocery, 71 Whitney Ave.,Score: 91; Gateway Community College, 20 Church St., Score: 97; Theodoras Food Service, 20 Church St., Score: 98; Katalina’s LLC, 74 Whitney Ave., Score: 89;; Dunkin Donuts, 54 Whitney Ave., Score 97; Moes Southwest, 46 Whitney Ave., Score: 86; Gourmet Heaven, 44 Whitney Ave., Score: 88
8/22/2012: B&K Variety Store, 597 Winchester Ave., score: 84
8/23/2012: Yale School of Drama, 222 York St., Score: 94; Atticus Cafe, 1082 Chapel St., Score: 83; Froyoworld, 46 High St., Score: 85; Sam Food/DB Mart, 287 Blake St., Score: 88 John S. Martinez School, 100 James St., Score: 100 SCSU Connecticut Hall, 501 Crescent St., Score: 84; SCSU Catering, 501 Crescent St., Score: 94; Shore Shack, 2 LIghthouse Pt. Rd., Score: 99
8/24/2012: Karaoke Heroes, 212 Crown St., Score: 97; Wilson Go Go Food Mart, 36 Howe St., Score: 89
8/27/2012: Corner Deli, 181 Orange St., Score: 83; Zaroka Bar & Rest, 148 York St., Score: 84; Olde School Saloon and Bistro, 418 State St., Score: 81; Dunkin Donuts, 889 State St., Score: 80; Willoughby’s Coffee and Tea, 194 York St., Score: 94; Dixwell Market, 180 Dixwell Ave., Score: 87
Two Need Improvement
During the Aug.. 21 to Aug 27 period, the following two failed their inspections:
People’s Choice Grocery & Deli
734 Dixwell Ave.
Score: 77
Due: 1 week
• Missing labels on granular and liquids
• Coffee machine not clean
• Retail food products on shelves not clean
• Missing light shields in milk cooler
• Card board on shelves
• Produce refrigerator not working and not clean
• Inside microwave, refrigerator units and freezer units not clean
• Wood platform under candy counter not sealed, smoothy and easily cleanable
• No thermometer easily read in sandwich prep
• Floor in kitchen not clean, and lined with card board
• Stained ceiling tiles
• Rubber gaskets on reach-in door shredded
• Toilet room fixtures not clean
• Bulk ham not covered, stored on reach-in floor
• Hand sink in toilet room not clean
• Hand soap in kitchen hand sink diluted, not working
• Food worker training logs missing
• Signed alternate QFO documentation missing
Michael’s Downtown
130 Court St.
Score: 68
Due: 2 Weeks
• Don’t store utensils “sheath” style
• Label products not in original containers
• Don’t line shelves with towels, wipe shelves
• No drinking from open, uncovered containers in a food prep area
• Wipe inside cooler, freezer
• Cover exposed food products
• Clean wall board, clean ceiling tiles, clean air vents, touch up walls
• Touch up defective shelves, clean shelves
• Store wipe cloths in sanitary solution
• Fix defective screen on door, clean light shields in handicap bathrooms
• Clean air vents, fix defective ceiling sheet rock, water stained ceiling
• Refill soap and paper towel dispenser in men’s bathroom
• Lower hot water in bathroom from in between110 to 115 degrees
• Fruit flies in liquor bottles - destroyed on site
• Keep rear door shut or install screen, seal gaps on exterior door
• Label toxic items in spray bottles
• Follow label instructions on products, store “keep refrig”
• Fix defective flooring, clean floors, wash around equipment
• Hang up mops and brooms
• Don’t store food products in the same ice used for drinks
• Touch up defective bldg structures (door base, jambs, doors etc