ECFFPC’s first all-Black-women parade committee members: Petisia M. Adger (Board of Directors); Joy Sawyer (volunteer); Chanelle Goldson (president); Diane X. Brown (Board of Directors); Jacqueline Glover (Board of Directors); Nina Silva (member).
Petisia M. Adger of the Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade contributed this write-up and these photos from the organization’s Saturday night gala.

Jessica Carl.
On Saturday, inside the ballroom of Omni Hotel in downtown New Haven, the Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee (ECFFPC) held its fifth Annual Gala and Silent Auction, after a two-year in-person respite during the pandemic.
This year’s gala was both a parade fundraiser and an opportunity to recognize those organizations within our New Haven community who “Uplift our Community” by addressing the diverse needs of our Black community.
In attendance were 170 individuals who either represented the award recipients or supported the efforts of the parade committee. The celebration was an opportunity for the directors of these organizations to recognize the value of their teams’ efforts in accomplishing their respective missions. However, out of the 13 organizations honored, Lucy Gellman, was the only recipient presented with a singular award for her unwavering balanced journalism that covers all aspects of Black lives in the City of New Haven, from culture, to social issues, to the “good and the bad” occurrences that affect our daily lives.
The gala’s program was facilitated by our own vivacious Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee’s official mistress of ceremony, Jessica Carl. Jessica has volunteered her oratory excellence to all of our in-person ECFFPC’s galas since 2015.
Chanelle’s remarks were followed by Petisia M. Adger’s summation of the “Roots of Freddy Fixer” and the acknowledgement that “paramount to the restoration of the parade, was the Honorable Toni Harp’s steadfast support and faith in the members of the newly formed parade committee in 2015. We truly thank her for believing in us.”
Then came Lucitta O. Adger’s soulful jazzy rendition of the Black National Anthem, “Lift ev’ry Voice and Sing,” written by James Weldon Johnson. An uproarious ovation averted her from singing the third verse.
Then the presentation of awards commenced. Each recipient was given a maximum of two minutes for remarks. Noncompliance of this two-minute rule resulted in the ringing of a cowbell, an indication that time ran out. Only one recipient had to be reminded of that strict adherence to this rule, which brought laughter from the audience when the bell was rung.
The following photos represent those recipients of the Uplifting our Community awards, and photo credits belong exclusively to our ECFFPC’s official photographer, Rodney Dabney, except where otherwise indicated:

Greater New Haven African American Historical Society.

Amistad Committee.

City of New Haven Arts, Culture & Tourism.



Ebony Horsewomen.

International Festival of Arts & Ideas.

Juneteenth Coalition of Greater New Haven.

Lucy Gellman, for her articles presented in the Arts Paper.

New Haven Museum.

Newhallville Community Management Team.

Shubert Theatre.

Urban Community Alliance.

Rahsaan Langley Project.
Immediately following the 50-minute award’s presentation, the Rahsaan Langley Project rocked the house with a unique blend of contemporary and old school R&B hits. Gala attendees danced non-stop.

Rockin' the house, y'all.
In solidarity,Greater New Haven St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee members joined in our fundraising efforts and our public recognition of the well-deserving community award recipients at this year’s gala and attendance at previous years’ galas.

Parade Committee Member Nina Silva and Member of Board of Directors Diane X. Brown with Susan Syphrette-Robinson’s silent auction donation of a Jax Johnson’s abstract painting.
The Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee’s Silent Auction Angels included: Urban Grants 4 Us, Inc.; Sergio Rodriguez and Randi Rubin-Rodriguez; Cornell Scott Hill Health Center – Carlah Esdaile; Chanelle Goldson; Jacqueline Glover; Susan Syphrette-Robinson; and Nina Silva (donated backdrop with balloons); and our loyal vendor, Desiree’s Delightful Treats, LLC., who was on site for the attendees’ sampling of her scrumptious cakes and cupcakes.
The parade committee is also eternally grateful to our Noble Parade Sponsors, without whom the Sunday, June 4, 2023, scheduled parade would not even be an imagined vision: National Endowment for the Arts; Arts Council of Greater New Haven; ConnCORP; and City of New Haven’s Arts, Culture & Tourism.
For further information on volunteer and sponsorship opportunities, visit our website or please feel free to contact: Chanelle Goldson, President – Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee, Inc., ecffpc.chanelle@gmail.com, https://www.elmcityfreddyfixerparade.com.