Interested in fermentation? DIY herbal medicince? Yoga? Screenwriting? Poultry?
Now’s your chance to learn.
The New Haven Free Skool is about commence its second session of free classes.
The school operates out of a storefront at the corner of College and Crown streets. It’s a do-it-yourself labor-of-love educational institution. Students pay no tuition. Faculty earn no salary.
The Free Skool is offering 15 new classes, which will run from March 4 to April 21. Sign up at the Free Skool website.
On offer this session:
Restorative Yoga
Intro Web Design
Queer Art, Thought & Action
Lady Time
DIY Herbal Medicine
Long Form Improv Comedy
Backyard Poultry Raising
The Benefits of Breath & Meditation Mixer
Break it Down: The Art and Wonder of Fermentation
Music Video as Cultural Unit (and Fantasy)
Black History Film Series
Art and the Poetic Function
Food Not Bombs! Food Rescue
Take Note