New Haven’s general election is today, Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
And there are a whole lot of people running for a whole lot of different local elected offices.
The Independent has put together a guide for New Haveners wondering how and where to vote, whether they’re registered, who’s on the ballot, and what the candidates stand for.
On Tuesday, two-term incumbent and Democratic nominee Mayor Justin Elicker is facing off against Republican and Independent Party challenger Tom Goldenberg and unaffiliated petitioning candidate Wendy Hamilton.
There are 10 contested alder races across the city, including a handful of Republican candidates, five write-in candidates, a Green Party candidate, and a last-minute Democratic nominee in Ward 11 following the recent death of Bella Vista Alder Renee Haywood. The two candidates running for Ward 8 alder came to a head in a heated debate this week.
There is also a race for city clerk, and while there was originally a contested race for Board of Education, incumbent Darnell Goldson dropped out of the race, leaving Andrea Downer to take his place as a representative on the board.
Perhaps the most uncertain outcome of Tuesday’s election is the fate of a city charter revision ballot question. If approved by a majority of voters, it will bump up terms for the mayor, alders, and city clerk from two to four years each, among other changes. Republicans, a lifetime parks commissioner, and a Democratic ex-alder, among others, have spoken out against the proposal. Democratic party officials and leaders have come out fully in support.
Remember, as of early August, the city now has a new ward map — meaning that if you didn’t vote in the Democratic primary election in September, you may have to check if you’ll be voting at a new polling place, and even weighing in on a different alder race, than you’re used to on Tuesday.
Click here to read the Independent’s guide for Nov. 7’s general election in full.
Thomas Breen contributed to this report.