Christine Mai-Duc/Tribune Washington Bureau
New Haven native and journalist Clare Gillis spent 44 days in captivity in Libya before she was released in May. Gillis appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday to share her story.
Gillis spoke out in favor of the bill in question— the Consular Notification Compliance Act of 2011.
“If the U.S. continues to ignore its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, that makes it easier for foreign governments to ignore their obligations to imprisoned American citizens abroad,” she said.
If passed, the Act would ensure the right of any foreign citizen detained in the U.S. to a visit from officials of their own country, in compliance with the Vienna Convention.
Gillis detailed her capture and interrogation by forces loyal to Libyan President Muammar Qaddafi. Captured with three other journalists, Gillis was covering the conflict in Libya for The Atlantic and USA Today. She was held in government facilities and charged with entering the country without a visa.
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