As a member of the Board of Directors of the Arts Council of Greater New Haven, Danny Diaz (formerly of the Regional Water Authority and currently a parent advocate at New Haven Board of Education; at left in photo) was often heard in lamentation about the lack of attention to minority artists and low levels of audience participation. His frustration was shared by David Greco (marketing director for Tweed New Haven Airport; at right in photo). They attempted to shepherd some special events, utilizing the staff support of established organizations; although the general community acclaimed the success of these initiatives, they were too small and that exposure was too seldom to ensure the enthusiasm and sustainability that were their goals. It was then, they knew, that they had to establish their own nonprofit organization dedicated to “promoting Latino art and culture throughout the state.” Founded in 2004, ARTE celebrated the grand opening of its permanent new gallery space and offices at 19 Grand Ave. (If you cross the bridge, you have gone too far!)
They are the originators of Latin Heritage Month celebrations in New Haven; they have
hosted theatre troupes, regular artists’ receptions at Latino establishments, and escorted cultural and historical group excursions in Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island. The participants are about 50 percent Latino, fostering inter-community appreciation as an ancillary benefit. They have collaborated, to produce special events, with the New Haven Colony Historical Society, several bank based galleries, traditional galleries, the International Festival of Arts and Ideas, the Knights of Columbus, and many other likely and unlikely partners. They have produced classes and career days for schools in Bridgeport, Danbury, and New Haven in order to provide work opportunities for artists and inspirational role models for Latino youngsters. They provide scholarship opportunities for “any Latino of any age who has lived in Connecticut for one year and has an interest in pursuing the arts as a career”. Their efforts have reaped incredible appreciation and support. These accomplishments, in so little time, are astonishing !
David now serves as the organization’s executive director; Dan is the president of the
Board of Directors. This dynamic duo outdid their panache and hospitality on Friday night. With magnificent paintings and sculptures providing the setting for a generous presentation of multi-ethnic food and beverage, the artists mingled with folks from the
arts and business communities, Yale University, City Hall and Board of Ed staffers, professional colleagues and neighborhood folks. Invitations referred to a 5 – 7 p.m. event, but the crowd was still enjoying the indoor and outdoor fiesta well into the night. The celebration of the Dream of Danny and Dave, ARTE (a dream come true), was, indeed,