To celebrate new work and the prominence of being featured in the October issue of Artist’s Magazine, Ala Bashir was feted at the Corvus Gallery , in Westville on Saturday night. Editor of the magazine, Maureen Bloomfield , Charles Delfur, well known former C.I.A. agent and author and confidante of Ala from time spent together in and since their days together in Iraq during Hussein’s rein of terror, and Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States, Samir Al-Sumayadai, arrived in time to share their insights and perspectives with the assembled guests. Channels 3 and 8 joined print media reporters to interview the artist and the ambassador; they were fascinated enough to stay on to really absorb the work.
Introduced by gallery owner Lesley Roy, Bashir extrapolated on the title exhibition, “Christ View & Message of Love”, which accompanied the permanent collection on display. As explained, the artist was inspired by the thoughts of what Christ would have seen from his crucifix.
Although his work can be viewed on the web, it is better seen collectively, by docented appointment, at the gallery. According to very reliable sources, the evening produced strong sales; the buyers agreed to postponement of their gratification to allow this very special show to continue.