Gone Dishin’ In a MADD, MADD World of Men, Women, Boys & Girls

One of the joys of a city like New Haven is the ability to maintain long-term friendships and ties to people and institutions. Intergenerational loyalties to families and institutions may be one of the reasons for our strength as a community. This attribute is especially true in the Italian community and those of us fortunate enough to be considered Family” in spite of our genetic ethnic origins. Monday night’s events were illustrative of this phenomenon. Fortunately, Anthony’s and Bella Notte are facilities within close proximity to each other, allowing some of the participants to support both.

Julia Nana” Coppola was a well-known and much loved member of the New Haven community. Predeceased by her husband, Paul, she was the adored mother of Marietta, Paula (D’Agostino) and Michelle (pictured).

Her life was abruptly terminated by a drunk driver in1993, a tragedy that changed the lives of her entire family and their large circle of friends. A tree is planted, near the site of the tragedy, in Morris Cove, to memorialize her. Every year, her life is celebrated at an event at Anthony’s, for the benefit of MADD, where her daughter Michelle Lettieri is the Fairfield County regional director, educator and victim advocate.

Her sisters, their spouses, children, and grandchildren all volunteer for the organization. The vast and diverse circle of friends and colleagues gathers with other supporters to pay tribute to the matriarch, the family and the wonderful mission of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Pictured are members of extended family of Julia’s extended family: Jaime Lettieri; her father, Jimmy Lettieri (Julia’s son in law), Dominic Lettieri (grand nephew in law), and Paul Vaccarro (grandson)

The New Haven Boys and Girls Club Alumni hosted the 72nd Gold Ring Award dinner at Bella Notte. John Vellecca, the dinner chairman (for most of those years), packed the house to honor Henry Candido, Brian Havens and Frank Redente. Gary Garibaldi (the mayor of Wooster Street,” pictured behind his son and behind Havens) was beaming, proud to have turned the leadership of the Organization over to his son, Bernie, the immediate past president. Master of ceremonies was Larry Pisani (professor emeritus at SCSU). Reverend Owen Sanderson has given his blessings as long as anyone can remember.

Mel Zeidenberg (long time New Haven area singer with the Arnold Most orchestra) did his special rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. Official greeters included Chuck Bonoff, Al Cannavaciolo, Vin Aitro and George Waldron.

The awards have maintained their integrity, rewarding people for their positive impact on young people rather than their ability to draw a crowd; fortunately, the latter is coincidental to the former in each case. Everett Shaw and Doug MacDonald (pictured) were there to demonstrate the generosity and long-term support by the Knights of Columbus. With the roster of 72 years of recipients, they may be able to fill a much larger room without any effort by just recycling them.

The renewed relationship between the Club and the Alumni was evidenced by the relationship fostered by Maureen Wolyniec, the new executive director.

Fran Maiorano (Fire and Tre Scalini) and Lindy Gold (past Gold Ring recipient and past development and government relations person for MADD) should have carpooled, between venues, with Mark Candido. Then, again, we all put on a lot of mileage because it is, of course, All For The Greater Good!!

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