The owners of a two-decade old Downtown Chinese restaurant plan to build three new stories and 15 new apartments atop their one-story eatery.
During Wednesday night’s regular monthly City Plan Commission meeting on the second floor of City Hall, Tak Sum Guo, who owns the Great Wall Restaurant at 67 Whitney Ave. through the holding company Guo’s Whitney Realty LLC, received the commissioners’ unanimous approval to build three stories and 15 apartments on top of the existing single-story restaurant.
“The existing basement together with the first floor will remain operating as the Great Wall restaurant,” said local attorney Tim Yolen, “which has been at 67 Whitney Ave. for the past 26 years.”
The restaurant owners plan to construct three stories above 67 Whitney Ave.‘s existing one-story structure. Yolen said they plan to add four studio apartments and one one-bedroom apartment to the second floor, five studio apartments to the third floor, and five studio apartments to the fourth floor.
The owners will also add an elevator and a lobby along the rear of the building, stormwater management improvements, and 437 square feet of open green space adjacent to the back parking lot.
Andrew Rizzo of AR Consulting LLC, a former director of New Haven government’s Livable City Initiative (LCI), said the BD zone in which the restaurant currently sits does not require any on-site parking for the restaurant. Therefore, he said, the owners plan to dedicate all eight rear parking spaces to the new apartments’ tenants.
Rizzo said that the owners plan to start construction on Feb. 1 and finish in mid-to-late August. They will close down the restaurant for the duration of construction, he said, but will reopen upon the project’s completion.
“It’s a very tight project,” Yolen said.