MONDAY 3/30 at 6:00 p.m.
This meeting is for: Public testimony on the Mayor’s proposed 2020 – 2021 Budget and to hear from
various City Departments
Chair: Alder Evette Hamilton and Vice-Chair: Alder Adam Marchand.
Zoom Link:
or by Phone at 16465588656 meeting ID: 204204463#
Please test your connection 15 minutes early.
FOR PUBLIC HEARING: Participation via Zoom or Phone is required — no in-person appearances. (link
above). You will be allowed up to 3 minutes to present, followed by questions from Alders.
Send written materials or comments in advance to:
Staff Contact info: (203) 946‑6045
FOR CITY DEPARTMENTS: Use Zoom or Phone (link above).
Send written materials or comments in advance to:
Staff Contact info: (203) 946‑6045
FOR ALDERS: This meeting will be chaired live from the Alder Chamber. Committee members and other
Alders have the option to attend but preferably should participate via Zoom (Computer or Phone
browser with video switched on). The Chair and Vice-Chair ask that committee members please be
prepared when you are called on with a maximum of 4 questions per department. Alders attending in
person, please remember to stay 6 feet apart from each other.
Tuesday 3/31 at 6:00 p.m.
This meeting is: to hear from various City Departments
Chair: Alder Evette Hamilton and Vice-Chair: Alder Adam Marchand.
Zoom Link:
or by Phone at 16465588656 meeting ID: 204204463#
Please test your connection 15 minutes early.
FOR CITY DEPARTMENTS: Use Zoom or Phone (link above).
Send written materials or comments in advance to:
Staff Contact info: (203) 946‑6045
FOR ALDERS: This meeting will be chaired live from the Alder Chamber. Committee members and other
Alders have the option to attend but preferably should participate via Zoom (Computer or Phone
browser with video switched on). The Chair and Vice-Chair ask that committee members please be
prepared when you are called on with a maximum of 4 questions per department. Alders attending in
person, please remember to stay 6 feet apart from each other.
Public comments are welcome throughout the budget process via emailing