The city police department will be hosting its latest annual “Guns to Gardens” buyback this Saturday at the police academy building on Sherman Parkway.
New Haven Police Department spokesperson Scott Shumway sent out an email press release Tuesday morning about that upcoming event.
See below for Shumway’s press release in full.
New Haven, Conn. ‑The New Haven Police Department, Mayor Justin Elicker and Swords to Plowshares Northeast announce the participation in the Annual “Guns to Gardens” National Gun Buyback Day in New Haven on Saturday, December 3rd , 2022 from 9:00am to 1:00pm at the New Haven Police Training Academy, 710 Sherman Parkway.
Each year over 39,000 Americans die from gun violence– an average of 100 per day. 58.8% of gun deaths are suicides and gun access triples suicide risk.
This gun buyback event is part of a larger national effort taking place in over 30 locations on the same day across the country where law enforcement, gun violence prevention organizations and faith-based groups are partnering together for the annual “Guns to Gardens” National Gun Buyback on December 3, 2022. Gun buybacks have become an effective tool to make our communities safer by providing a venue for individuals to dispose of unwanted guns anonymously, and safely. The goal is to prevent guns from falling into the wrong hands, such as those of children, individuals at risk for suicide, individuals with dementia, perpetrators of domestic violence, and criminals.
The gun buy-back is 100% anonymous, no ID required. It takes place in a safe and secure location. After the surrendered weapons have been vetted by the Police Department, they are rendered inoperable and cut into pieces and donated to Swords to Plowshares Northeast. Weapon parts are then repurposed into various gardening tools. The finished tools are then donated to local community gardens, agricultural high schools or used as donation incentives for creating safe and healthy neighborhoods.
A demonstration will take place at the event for the community to witness guns being transformed from something that can be “life taking into something life making.”
Gun violence affects our communities each and every day with countless precious lives lost and reminds us of the importance of conducting buybacks, and the positive impact they can have on communities. Removing guns from the streets is an important step in reducing the gun violence problem we face as a city and nation.
The event also promotes gun safety and safe storage. For gun owners who want to keep their guns but seek to better secure their weapons, free gun locks will be available at the event.
All guns will be accepted, but CASH will only be given for working guns. Guns must be delivered unloaded in the trunk of the car. Ammunition will be accepted but no payment will be given.
Ammunition must be delivered in a separate bag. The person dropping off the gun will not be charged with illegal possession of that specific firearm.
The CASH payouts for operable firearms will be as followed:
• Rifles, Shotguns or Derringer-type guns- $50
• Handguns (Revolvers & Pistols)- $150
• Assault Weapons (as determined by NHPD)- $250
• BB, Pellet, Paint & Air-Powered Guns- $10
• Ammunition will be accepted but no payment will be given
Who: Chief Karl Jacobson, Assistant Chief David Zannelli, Assistant Chief Bertram Ettienne, Mayor Justin Elicker, Lieutenant Jason Rentkowicz and Dr. Pina Violano
When: Saturday, December 3, 2022 (Rain, Snow or Shine)
Where: New Haven Police Training Academy, 710 Sherman Parkway
Time: 9:00 AM‑1:00 PM