Seeking more tools in a campaign to end a worrisome spike in teen gun violence, police Thursday announced a gun buyback program to be kicked off next week. Gun donors will receive $100 gift cards in time for holiday shopping.
Starting Tuesday, Dec. 12, city residents can drop off guns at police headquarters at 1 Union Ave, no questions asked. The program will run Tues- Saturday from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. for two weeks.
To cut down on previous failings of gun buyback programs “” people turning in relics from the attic, not Glocks off the street “” police have imposed some restrictions. Non-operational guns, rifles, shotguns antique firearms, BB guns and holsters will be accepted, but no reward will be given.
Those who hand in eligible firearms will get a $100 gift card redeemable at Shaws, Wal-Mart, or Stop & Shop.
“Guns are getting in the wrong hands,” said Police Chief Cisco Ortiz, staring down at a table of loot from a morning gun bust (pictured above). The table of rifles and pistols were gleaned from an eviction. No arrests had been made, but Ortiz said the bust emphasized the danger of keeping guns improperly stored or unattended.
“This is not going to be a solution, but it’s a piece” said Rick Epstein of the Board of Police Commissioners, which came up with the idea this summer after the death of 13 year-old Jajuana Cole. The board raised $9,500 from 10 private donors. That’s enough to take 95 guns off the street.
Jajuana’s mom, Sonda Whitfield, showed up in support of the program with a plea for people to come forward.
Officer Shafiq Abdussabur of the youth program CTRIBAT, also showed up in support. “This is not going to be a drastic solution, but this is a tool. Each gun off the street could make a difference, if it’s the one gun that’s going to save a child’s life.”
For people reluctant to enter police headquarters to turn in a piece, Abdussabur said they needn’t be obvious. “if you know you can come in and put the gun in a Dunkin’ Donuts bag, then hey, that’s what we want!”
Guns must be unloaded of all ammo, put in a clear plastic bag, and put into another container (such as a gym bag or backpack). Guns carried in a car must be kept in the trunk. The number of guns turned in by one person cannot exceed five per day. And no gun dealers allowed.
Police Chief Cisco Ortiz hinted the buyback program would be just one piece of a larger package to be announced next week at a major press conference tackling youth initiatives and the sale of guns.
“Removing illegal guns from the streets is going to take a community effort and this buyback program is just one piece of the puzzle,” said Ortiz.