(From right) Theo Brown, Sam Bosson-Heean, and Nate Brown.
It was an action-packed scene in Chatham Square Park on Saturday, as terrifying creatures from skeletons to zombies contested against not-so-creepy superheroes and fairies.
The occasion was the sixth annual Chatham Square Halloween parade, which aims to bring the families of the neighborhood together to enjoy some Halloween festivities. The parade is organized by the Chatham Square Neighborhood Association (CSNA), a volunteer group of neighbors who are often recognized for their community enriching events and activities.
Khadija Hussain Photo
Two princesses, Precious and Willow Burruss, compete against the Grim Reaper in the apple race.
This year, Mary Ann Moran, one of the organizers of the parade, said the event sought to promote a healthy lifestyle amongst the children, despite Halloween being a pretty candy-oriented holiday. “We’re giving out apples and apple cider to encourage healthy eating, and we are giving out some candy, but they’re getting pretzels and bookmarks as well. We’re also doing an apple race, to get them active and exercising,” she said.

As well as the apple race, the kids decorated their own pumpkins, and colored creepy Halloween posters.

Emily Rodriguez and Katherine Figueroa.

When it came time for the parade, everyone lined up and marched around the square, showing off their costumes, some of which included Cleoptatra (pictured above), Iron Man, the Grim Reaper, Alice in Wonderland (pictured below), and many more!

Mia Viera, the winner of the “Most Original Costume.”

Lee Cruz, a member of the CSNA, and his son, Pablo.
At the end of the parade, a panel of special judges, including two neighborhood police officers, gave out various costume prizes, such as, “Most Original,” “Cutest,” and “Funniest.” The winners got special prizes, while everyone else lined up for a much-deserved bag of candy.