Paul Bass Photo
Stuart, Rawls-Ivy and Rodriguez-Reyes.
The New Haven Independent turns 10 today. To celebrate, we invited into the WNHH radio studio leaders of three other local grassroots independent media organizations that have survived as long (or longer) in the Internet age.
The Independent published its first article— this one—on Sept. 6, 2005. This article updates what happened with that story, and the city, since then.
The WNHH radio panel talked about delivering the news as alternatives to old-line mainstream corporate chains and, increasingly, hedge fund-owned media operations — and how there’s no need to heed all those news doom-and-gloom stories.
The panel included:
• Christine Stuart, who runs CT News Junkie.
• Babz Rawls-Ivy, managing editor of the 25-year-old Inner-City News and host of WNHH’s “LoveBabz Love Talk” program.
• Norma-Rodriguez-Reyes, publisher of the 23-year-old La Voz Hispana, host of WNHH’s “K Pasa” program, and board chair of the Online Journalism Project, the not-for-profot organization that publishes the Independent, the Valley Independent Sentinel, and the Branford Eagle and launched WNHH radio.
To listen to our discussion, click on the above audio file or find the episode in iTunes or any podcast app under “WNHH Community Radio.”