Harp, Looney Hail Obama’s Gun-Control Moves

State Senate President Martin Looney of New Haven and New Haven Mayor Toni Harp — who as a state senator helped lead Looney the legislative effort to respond to the Sandy Hook school massacre — embraced” President Barack Obama’s gun control announcement Tuesday.

Citing that same massacre, Obama announced plans to expand the categories of gun dealers who must conduct background checks on buyers, add 230 government examiners and staffers to work on background checks, and seek to boost mental health services.

From this urban setting, where guns and gun violence remain far too prevalent, I embrace President Obama’s initiative to curb gun violence as I should think most American mayors will,” Harp said in a statement released by her office.

Through a comprehensive effort including more widespread use of background checks, an enhanced mental health reporting system and more accessible treatment options, and with cooperation from gun manufacturers in terms of gun safety technology, we can work together to safeguard city streets from the lawless proliferation of guns and gun violence. Thank you, President Obama!”

Looney issued the following statement: It is imperative that we have a national strategy for closing dangerous loopholes in our gun laws. In the absence of Congressional action, we welcome President Obama’s executive action. In Connecticut, unlike Congress, we passed the strongest, most comprehensive laws in the nation, proving that Democrats and Republicans can come together in a bipartisan manner to protect our families. President Obama came to Connecticut to praise our laws as a national model, and today we applaud the president’s leadership on this issue.”


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