Paul Bass Photo
The two candidates for New Haven’s Democratic mayoral nomination are scheduled to answer questions from local journalists, and from each other, at a debate one week before their Sept. 12 primary.
The debate between Mayor Toni Harp and challenger Marcus Paca takes place at Booker T. Washington Academy at 804 State St., on Tuesday, Sept. 5, beginning at 7 p.m. It is free and open to the public. Citizens Television plans to record the event and air it during the week leading up to the primary.
The event is cosponsored by the New Haven Independent and the Democracy Fund, with reporters from La Voz Hispana and the New Haven Register serving on the journalists’ panel.
• The plan is to have a blow-by-blow live blog here on the site during the debate …
• … and to have a video streaming on Facebook Live on our Facebook page.