Dec. 21 special Board of Education meeting.
Hold your breath: New Haven is seeking state money to improve indoor air quality in schools.
The Board of Education voted to have New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) pursue that quest through an application for an HVAC Indoor Air Quality Grant through the State of Connecticut.
Chief Operating Officer Thomas Lamb presented the project plans before the board cast that vote on Dec. 21 at a special meeting held over Zoom.
The HVAC improvement projects would be at Fair Haven, Lincoln-Bassett, Brennan Rogers, and Edgewood schools. Click here to read the full memo, including the project plans.
The needed work includes a rooftop project at Fair Haven School to replace all the mechanical cooling and gas heat rooftop units at the school “because they operate with R22 refrigerant and have also met their life expectancy.”
“These units should be replaced with packaged roof top units with variable speed drives, mechanical cooling, and operating on 410a refrigerant,” Lamb wrote.
All the mechanical cooling and gas fired rooftop units at Lincoln-Basset and Brennan-Rogers schools need replacing for the same reasons.
At Edgewood, a Rooftop & Split Unit Project is needed. That means the school’s three large rooftop units with mechanical cooling and gas heat need replacing.
“There are also 15 split units serving classrooms that need to be replaced with modern units running off modern refrigerant,” the memo stated.
Click here to read the most recent district maintenance and project management report.