A new month brings a new chance to help keep nonprofit public-interest news reporting alive in New Haven — and see your generosity matched dollar for dollar.
Translation: It’s “NewsMatch” time again.
That’s the time each year between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31 when we put out the cup and ask for donations to support the work of our nonprofit newsroom.
We participate in an annual nationwide event called “NewsMatch.” It allows you not only to deduct your contribution to our organization — but to have your gift matched dollar for dollar, up to $1,000 each, until we reach $13,000.
Please click here to donate.
We were one of the country’s first two professional online-only nonprofit local news sites when we launched in 2005. (Voice of San Diego had us beat by several weeks.) Now more than 400 such municipal and statewide nonprofit public-interest online organizations exist, as members of the Institute for Nonprofit News, which runs NewsMatch. From Las Vegas to San Antonio to Gotham, our sites have jointly created a new model and new hope for local journalism and democracy.
Thanks to you. We operate in a hedge fund free zone; charitable contributions pay our bills, and keep the news flowing to readers for free.
Thank you for keeping the Independent going for 18 years and counting, with the hope of many years to come.