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Principal Cordero: “New Haven has been my life.”
This will be Heriberto Cordero’s last year at Fair Haven School before he moves to Pennsylvania.
“When he told us a couple of weeks back that he’s relocating, I told him, ‘You can’t do this to us!’” Superintendent Iline Tracey said.
“I hope that you remember us back here. We will remember you when we get to Pennsylvania Dutch country. We’ll be sure to call you up.”
Cordero is moving to Lancaster, Penn., where he will be one of three new principals for the public school district there. The school district is about half the size of New Haven Public Schools. The median income of the city is about the same. Lancaster is majority white, with a larger percentage of Hispanic people than New Haven.
The New Haven Board of Education approved the beloved principal’s resignation on Monday night. His last day will be June 30.
He told the Independent that he’s moving in large part to support his wife’s career path as a marriage and family counselor.
“I love New Haven and am sad to leave. New Haven has been my life and I love this city, the kids, the families, the staff and the schools. However, for family reasons I need to relocate and have the beautiful privilege of supporting my wife and kids in our next season of life. I love my family and they have always supported my growth and trajectory,” Cordero wrote.
Cordero grew up in New Haven and earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Quinnipiac University. Before becoming principal of Fair Haven School in 2015, he filled both teacher and assistant principal roles within the district.
As principal, Cordero transitioned Fair Haven to an English and Spanish dual-language immersion program. He also modernized the school’s classrooms and put on events to get students excited about applying to college.
Cordero and his family are thinking about starting a residential center focused on rebuilding families after the move. They plan to call the center Cordero House.
“Though our dream and vision is still in its infancy stage, ultimately helping families bond and stay together through traumatic experiences … is our passion,” he said.
Cordero’s resignation joins that of NHPS Chief Financial Officer Phillip Penn on Monday’s personnel report. Penn is also leaving the district at the end of the school year. His destination is a little closer to home — Hartford Public Schools.