Hillhouse JROTC
The following article was submitted by retired Lt. Col. John Hinrichs and retired Sgt. 1st Class Lisa Rodriguez.
On a blustery cold December day, nine James Hillhouse High School Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) cadets participated in the Wreaths Across America, a wreath-laying ceremony at the Connecticut Veterans Cemetery in Middletown.

The ceremony was part of a larger mission that included laying wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery as well as 1,200 other cemeteries in all 50 states. Wreaths across America ensure that all veterans lives are remembered every day and especially this holiday season. Volunteers were encouraged to say the Veterans name aloud when placing a wreath and take a moment to thank them for their service.
“This event was very special because it is important that we do not forget our nation’s veterans,” Hillhouse Army JROTC Cadet Battalion Commander Micaela Flores said.
The group of cadets was able to hear similar sentiments from U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal, Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, Middletown Mayor Daniel Drew and several other members of Veteran Organizations. There were several hundred volunteers in Middletown that placed over 9,000 wreathes and were able to see a flyover by the Connecticut Civil Air Patrol and a rifle salute and playing of taps.

One of the common themes of the ceremony was that “A person dies twice: once when they take their final breath, and later, the last time their name is spoken.” The wreath-laying ceremony was the final activity for the Hillhouse High School Army JROTC for 2017. The cadets and two retired U.S. Army members were active this year supporting veterans.
The Hillhouse Cadets placed flags on Veterans graves during Memorial Day activities and participated in New Haven’s Memorial Day concert. The cadets provided the color guard for the Mayor’s and Wilbur Cross High School’s Veteran’s Day ceremonies, marched in a nearby Veterans Day parade, and hosted members from a local Veterans of Foreign Wars post, allowing veterans to share their wisdom with high school students.
Cadet Major Anisha Santiago said she enjoys being part of JROTC because it makes her feel like she belongs to something bigger than herself.
The cadets are all Hillhouse students who choose to take Army JROTC as an elective. There is no obligation to join the military by participating in JROTC.