Emily Hays Photo
Parents line up to pick up Chromebooks at Augusta Lewis Troup School on Tuesday.
New Haven K‑12 students face an unusual first day of school on Thursday as the Covid-19 pandemic continues. Rather than showing up to school buildings, students have to log onto their first classes.
Here’s a quick guide for families unsure of what to do.
What time does school start?
Most information families need to know is school-specific. If families have not received their student’s specific schedule, they should email their teacher and principal, according to New Haven Public Schools Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Ivelise Velazquez.
To get more information on what time school starts, how to pick up laptops and more, families can go to their school’s homepage. The district has put together welcome messages and links to each school’s page at a new orientation website.
For example, John C. Daniels School of International Communication created this orientation video on remote learning for their students. The template came from principals of peer schools, like Augusta Lewis Troup School.
How do I log in?
Families can log into classroom.google.com from Google Chrome or from the Classroom icon on a district Chromebook. Families will need their Student IDs to sign in.
Read more about how to log into Google Classroom and find specific classes here. NHPS has been hosting Zoom meetings in multiple languages on Tuesday and Wednesday to walk families through this process.
For more help, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or make an appointment here.
How do I pick up my student’s lunch?
New Haven Public Schools students, or their parents or guardians, can pick up breakfast and lunch at school locations throughout the city. These pickup stations will be open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday through Friday.
Families need student numbers and lunch numbers to take a lunch.
Where do I turn if I need more help?
Schools list email addresses and phone numbers in their welcome messages.
Families can look for future updates at nhps.net, on their child’s Google Classroom and through ParentLink emails, texts and calls.
Note: Pre-Kindergarten and Head Start students have their first day of school next week.