I Pledge To Help
Women & Girls By …”

New Haveners will line up to make that pledge Tuesday — in the hopes of starting a community campaign.

The campaign: To draw attention to and improve the lives of New Haven’s women and girls.

It starts with an event taking place in the Omni Hotel’s ballroom beginning at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. The event’s title: A Convening for Women and Girls.”

The Community Foundation of Greater New Haven organized the event. (The Community Fund for Women & Girls and the Independent are cosponsors.) The event coincides with the release of an in-depth study, years in the making, of how women and girls are faring in New Haven — their health, their job prospects, their education, you name it. City government’s Community Services Administration and the Consortium for New Haven Women and Girls prepared the report.

Using that report as a starting point, participants in Tuesday’s event will discuss the challenges facing women and girls today, and what should be done.

Then people will fill out pledge cards and make commitments to do something now to make lives better.

You can show up in person to the event, or follow along (and add your thoughts) via a live-blog discussion hosted by reporters from the new Haven Independent, New Haven Register, La Voz Hispana, and Inner-City News.

Check back here when the event starts to participate live, and to read the report.

The Community Foundation has decided to launch communal problem-solving discussions like these through such convenings.” Click here to read about the last such event, about the arts.

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