Top-scorer Johnson.
Eight out of eight cops seeking to become captains passed the civil-service exam, leaving it up to the chief to pick five to promote.
The Civil Service Commission revealed and ratified the results of the exam at its monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon at 200 Orange St.
Police Chief Dean Esserman will decide which of the officers to promote to fill the long-vacant positions. In the past Esserman has made promotions based on the order in which candidates have scored on the promotional exams.
The commission released the following scores:

Melinda Tuhus FIle Photo
• Julie Johnson 91.74
• Jeff Hoffman 91.52
• Anthony Duff 88.79
• Holly Wasilewski 88.73
• Joseph Witkowski 88.27
• Rebecca Goddard 83.31
• Patricia Helliger 78.89
• Kenneth Blanchard 73.46

Paul Bass Photo
Before the vote, city personnel chief Noelia Marcano (at left in photo) described the process of choosing an administrator for the exam (Illinois-based Resource Management Associates) and the form of the two-day exam (including “in-basket,” program development, community meeting, and staff meeting tests).

Lt. Wasilewski, at right, awaits results at Tuesday’s meeting with Assistant Chiefs Anthony Campbell, center, and Al Vazquez.
She updated the commission on two complaints she received from candidates. The first involved a training course that two of the candidates attended, initially with the support of the department; Marcano said that the course had nothing to do with the test, but that she instructed the police department not to pay for the candidates’ attendance anyway. The second complaint involved one candidate allegedly having access to department computer files during the exam. Marcano said that upon investigation officials concluded that complaint, too, lacked merit.

Police union President Louis Cavaliere Jr. (pictured) said afterwards that he considers the exam fair. A union-picked observer watched as it was conducted.
“Anytime there are promotions,” he said, “it’s a good day.”