Sam Gurwitt Photo
Jorge Cabrera on the Stop & Shop picket line last year.

(Opinion) Eversource is a prime example of a corporation that suffocates Connecticut’s working families.
The Covid-19 pandemic did not create the perils that our families face everyday, but it does highlight the barriers to success that already exist for thousands across the 17th State Senate District.
Our district, which covers Ansonia, Derby, Beacon Falls, Bethany, Hamden, Naugatuck and Woodbridge, has a per capita income of just under $37,000. We cannot tolerate senseless financial attacks by politically connected corporations. These companies do not care about the mother who works two jobs to provide for her children, senior citizens who struggle with the high cost of health care and prescription drugs, small business owners trying to stay afloat and so many other people who are just trying to support themselves and their families. These are good people who are just trying to make it.
Connecticut’s largest utility company, Eversource Energy, has done nothing but become a continuous financial headache to its customers. In the midst of a global pandemic and a series of storms that have made their way through Connecticut, families have been left devastated. The situation has been worsened by Eversource’s inability to do its job, take accountability, and overcome its greed for the sake of the regular people trying to pay their bills.
Over one million homes in Connecticut were affected by Tropical Storm Isaias, and what were we left with? Spikes in utility rates and empty promises from Eversource.
How is this justified? How are increased costs and failures to provide basic services in the midst of a pandemic acceptable?
Eversource failed to meet the needs of Connecticut families during Tropical Storm Isaias and now they want permission from the state to borrow $700 million. Eversource made this request one week before the State Senate and House come together to assess a new system of performance-based rate-setting for utility suppliers. In short, they want Eversource customers to pay for their shortcomings!
Electricity rates have already spiked, and now they want more? The executives of Eversource received a 40 percent increase in salary last year compared to 2018. The five highest-paid Eversource executives made a total of just under $40 million in 2019.
This is why we need to put an end to the influence and power of corporations like Eversource, and the politicians that support them. My opponent, State Senator George Logan, refuses to call out his employer Eversource and demand accountability. In 2017, Logan refused to vote against a bill that ultimately resulted in a 40 percent increase in utility rate hikes. State Senator Logan cannot be trusted to put families before Eversource. Like too many politicians who deceive their constituents, he simply has not stood up for the people that elected him.
Too many corporations are getting too big, too greedy, and too powerful. It’s time we do something about it.
That’s why I stand in full support of the Take Back Our Grid Act. This legislation has been proposed as a response to companies like Eversource. It also to puts a system of accountability in place that prioritizes people over profits.
This legislation is monumental in that it will hold electricity providers, like Eversource, accountable for poor results.
When we say we need action, we mean it. We’re putting an end to the assault of corporations on everyday people and voting politicians out of office that won’t stand up to them.
Jorge Cabrera is the Democratic candidate for the 17th State Senate District seat. Click here to read more about his positions, and about his opponent George Logan’s positions, including on Eversource.