Thomas Breen photo
Ed Joyner at Tuesday’s convention.

“I never let go of my students. And they never let go of me.”
With those words, Ed Joyner accepted the Democratic Town Committee’s unanimous endorsement Tuesday night for reelection to the Board of Education.
That endorsement came during the Democratic Town Convention at the Betsy Ross Parish House on Kimberly Avenue. Local Democrats also unanimously endorsed Mayor Justin Elicker and City/Town Clerk Michael Smart for reelection, and certified a list of 30 Democratic alder candidates.
If he wins the general election against Republican challenger James O’Connell in November, Joyner will serve his third term representing District 1 on the Board of Education. (Joyner was first elected to a truncated two-year term in 2015, then reelected to his first full four-year term in 2017.)
Though he doesn’t face a Democratic primary challenger this time around, Joyner gave an impassioned speech at Tuesday’s convention in which he drew on personal experiences to demonstrate the value a public school education can bring.
“I’ve had a long journey in life. I started as a poor kid in a small town in North Carolina. I certainly had the culture, the love, and the encouragement that all children need to succeed.”
The 74 year-old, long-time local educator quoted the civil rights leader Malcolm X during his spect.
“Education is our passport to the future,” Joyner said, “for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”
He went on to remind the audience of the principle of “E Pluribus Unum”, recalling mentors he’s had from all wakes of life. Some were Jewish, Italian, or Irish, some were queer, some female.
“Out of many, one,” Joyner said, holding up a single forefinger. “That means that no matter what your ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, no matter what, that the Creator God made us all from the same source. All God’s children conspired to create the person that is standing before you today.”
This influences his vision for the district and the experience he wants students to leave school with, Joyner said.
“We have to create a school system that educates kids in a way that they can look in the eyes of another human being and see the divine. Let us all come together and heal this community and let us shine a light for this nation.”
Click on the Facebook Live video below to watch parts of Tuesday night’s convention.