Junta for Progressive Action, one of New Haven’s leading advocates for immigrant rights, reacted to Tuesday’s election of an immigrant-bashing president by reaffirming its commitment to continue fighting for change. Another leading advocate group, Unidad Latina en Acción and Allies, announced it’s holding a rally in front of the federal courthouse at 141 Church St. Thursday at 5 p.m. “to affirm community integrity amidst a climate of hate promoted by President-Elect Trump.”
Junta issued the following statement (with versions in both English and Spanish):
Over the last decade, our communities have been targeted because of their skin color, immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, economic status and religious beliefs. From record deportations under Obama’s administration to the passage of voter suppression laws and the continued criminalization of black and brown bodies — it has been challenging and often life-threatening to walk our neighborhoods and raise our families.
On the other hand, we have also made some enormous strides by working together. We have worked collectively to push for administrative relief for millions of undocumented youth, we have raised the minimum wage in a number of states and have guaranteed better workplace benefits and protections, we have started to address the unjust criminal justice system that keeps so many of our people incarcerated and away from their families. This is progress.
We recognize that the political climate over the last year has heightened many of the racist and xenophobic sentiment in this country and instilled fear in our communities — fear that is palpable. But our community is strong and resilient. We have created a movement to protect our community from renewed attacks, no matter who was elected for any form of government. That movement is not coopted by the results of an election.
We want to let our families, our neighbors and our community that Junta will remain committed to you. We will continue to support you in providing essential services and advocacy. You are welcome here, you are part of us.
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Durante la última década, nuestras comunidades han sido atacadas debido a su color de piel, estatus migratorio, género, orientación sexual, situación económica y creencias religiosas. Desde un número record de deportaciones récord bajo la administración de Obama hasta la aprobación de leyes de supresión de votantes y la continua criminalización de personas morenas y negras – ha sido un desafío, y a menudo una amenaza a la vida caminar por nuestros barrios y criar a nuestras familias.
Por otro lado, también hemos alcanzado grandes avances trabajando juntos. Hemos trabajado en conjunto para impulsar el alivio administrativo para millones de jóvenes indocumentados, hemos aumentado el salario mínimo en un número de estados, hemos garantizado mejores beneficios y protecciones en el área de trabajo, y hemos comenzado a abordar el sistema de justicia penal injusto que mantiene a tanta de nuestra gente encarcelada y lejos de sus familias. Esto es progreso.
Reconocemos que el clima político en el último año ha aumentado muchos de los sentimientos racistas y xenofóbicos en este país y causado temor en nuestras comunidades — miedo que es palpable. Sin embargo, nuestra comunidad es fuerte y resistente. Hemos creado un movimiento para proteger a nuestra comunidad de nuevos ataques, sin importar quien fuera elegido para gobernar. Ese movimiento no es dominado por los resultados de una elección.
Queremos dejarle saber a nuestras familias, nuestros vecinos y nuestra comunidad que Junta mantendrá su compromiso con ustedes. Vamos a seguir apoyándolos en la prestación de servicios esenciales y la defensa de sus derechos. Aquí son bienvenidos, ustedes son parte de nosotros.