Maya McFadden Photo
K&J Tree Service showed its support for health workers at the Yale New Haven Hospital Emergency Room with a handmade thank-you sign recognizing their support for ailing residents amidst the Covid-19.
Kyle DeLucia, owner of K&J Tree Service based out of Hamden, got the idea to show support to the health workers and Yale staff after hearing compelling work stories from his sister, who is an Intensive care unit (ICU) nurse at Yale.
Five K&J workers kept the sign up outside of the hospital at 11 a.m Monday on the corner of Davenport and Howard Avenues until 2 p.m.
Hoisting the sign took 20 minutes, said DeLucia.
DeLucia and the team were shown appreciation with waves from the windows from the staff and given thanks by staff members on break outside of the building.
DeLucia worked with his 8-year-old niece on Saturday and Sunday to come up with the sign’s message. With the goal of a short and sweet message, the sign read “Thank you.”

After deciding, DeLucia took a trip to Home Depot for the sign’s materials and put it together with his niece over the weekend.
The New Haven Police Department (NHPD) assisted the K&J workers by blocking off a section of the area on Davenport.
Since showing its support with the sign, DeLucia said, K&J has been tagged in more than 100 Facebook posts along with dozens of reshares on Instagram praising the team’s efforts.