The following was submitted by LEAP Executive Director Henry Fernandez.
That spooky time of year is coming back to New Haven, and you are invited!

LEAP’s annual Halloween party for kids and families will be Oct. 27 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the LEAP Community Center at 31 Jefferson St..
We will have face painting, a haunted house, tons of games, pumpkin decorating, scary music, and a photo booth. We will be joined by our friends from the New Haven Police and Fire Departments as well as volunteers from Yale University.

Once again, we will join with our neighbors on Lyon, William and Bradley Streets to have trick or treating for kids. Each year our great neighbors open their homes to trick or treaters on the same night as LEAP’s Halloween party. We will have plenty of LEAP counselors and staff on each of the streets ensuring a fun and safe night for everyone.

Because hundreds of children attend every year, our neighbors can quickly run out of candy. So please consider donating candy. You can drop it off between 9 am and 7 pm, Monday to Thursday or 9 am to 6 pm on Friday. We hope to see you on October 27th!