Looking for something fun and safe to do with kids for Halloween (or at least the day before)?
LEAP’s annual Community Halloween Festival for children is Friday, October 30th at 31 Jefferson St. in New Haven from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.
This event is open to the public (all children are welcome, even if they are not in LEAP), community members and families are encouraged to come participate in face and pumpkin painting, fortune telling, lots of ghostly games and our very own Haunted House. LEAP’s Halloween Festival is appropriate for children of ALL ages.
For the second year, LEAP will partner with neighbors on Olive Street who will welcome trick-or-treaters at their homes. So you can come to LEAP, partake in the fun and then trick or treat right next door that same night. Our neighbors who are participating will have LEAP Halloween signs on their front doors.

But remember this is Friday, Oct. 30 (the day before Halloween), from 4:30 to 7:30 pm.
This year young people from Music Haven will be performing spooky music at the festival!
For more information contact Yakeita Robinson at the LEAP Community Center at (203) 773‑0770. If you want to donate candy for trick or treaters, you may drop it off at 31 Jefferson St.