Wednesday 3/25 at 6:30 p.m.
This meeting is for: CDBG Hardware Agencies; and City Departments (City Activities); and Home Investment Partnership (HOME) and interested members of the public.
Joint Community Development/Health & Human Services Committee
Co-Chairs: Alder Brian Wingate and Alder Darryl J. Brackeen, Jr.
Zoom Link:
or by Phone at 16465588656 meeting ID: 204204463#
Please test your connection 15 minutes early.
FOR COMMUNITY AGENCIES: Participation via Zoom or Phone is required—no in-person appearances. (link above). As usual, you will be allowed up to 3 minutes to present your proposal, followed by a Q&A with Alders.
FOR CITY DEPARTMENTS: Use Zoom or Phone (link above). UNLESS you are already in the building – then you may attend in person and speak from the last row of benches. As usual, you will be allowed up to 3 minutes to present your proposal, followed by a Q&A with Alders. Please stay 6 feet apart from each other when in the Chamber.
FOR ALDERS: This meeting will be chaired live in the Alder Chamber. Committee members and other Alders have the option to attend, or participate via Zoom (Computer or Phone Browser with video switched on). The Chairs ask that committee members please be prepared when you are called on with a maximum of 4 questions per agency. Alders attending in person, please remember to stay 6 feet apart from each other.
This meeting will be conducted pursuant to the Board of Alders’ 2012 Non-Profit and Community Organization Application Relief Clause:
“After an organization has been approved for funding for two consecutive years, it will not be required to testify before the Board of Alder[s] for re-approval of funding unless such organization is requesting funding for a new program, is not in good standing programmatically or financially, or a member of the Joint [Health &] Human Services-Community Development Committee requests to the committee co-chairs that the organization testify.” (Does not apply to City Departments.)
Send written materials or comments to:
Contact info: (203) 809-7714.
SOFTWARE: The hearing for PUBLIC SERVICES (Software) and ESG (Emergency Solutions Grant) and HOPWA (Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS) agencies is scheduled for Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30 p.m. The guidelines will probably be similar to these, but you will get an email update prior to the meeting.